I dont think anyone knows a date.
Apple wouldnt even confirm the existence of the iPhone4 until the last minute.
I think the biggest question is, can Verizon do a better job with it?
Will it be free of the restrictions Verizon puts on their phones?
Also, if it is a true Verizon phone, what will the resale be on a CDMA locked iPhone?
Will this be a multi-band phone?
There has to be an exact date that the AT@T contract is over. Probrably would see the iphones in verizon the next day. I'm gonna wait my contract is up in November, I'm gonna hold out and see if they get the iphone.
This is just more uncorroborated unreliable 'source' testimony that has been fueling this rumor for years.
There is no doubt that Verizon will probably be getting a version of the iPhone. But nobody will have any idea what the end user will get until Steve Jobs makes an announcement.
Like all other major Apple announcements, it will probably happen in June. So until then, the media will have to keep posting gossip.