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I've been using a palm treo for the last three years and its served me well. Surprised it even still works like new considering all the abuse I've put it through. Anways I want to stick with Sprint since they seem to have the best voice/data/text plans and im happy with the service. I checked out some phones and am trying to decide between Evo and Epic. Any thoughts? Prefer from people who've actually used the phones as I've already read the specs and cnet reviews. I plan on using the phone primarily as a replacement for my broken Ipod, the usual contacts, calender stuff, web browsing and apps for school.


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Not sure about the Epic, but I love my EVO. It took some getting used to. I went from Palm to WinMo to Android, but I came to the conclusion. All phones do the same things, it's just a matter of figuring out how to do them.

They are both Android 2.2 if I recall, so I think it would depend on form factor. I am a little partial to HTC phones since I cam from a touch pro and touch pro2. I use my EVO with a thin TPU case and it still is pretty slim.

I thought I was going to hate the on screen keyboard, but I installed Swype on my EVO and it made it an absolute dream to use. It is actually easier to text without looking at the screen as compared to T9 and a tactile keyboard. (swype is the keyboard that you can slide your finger over the letters, rather than tap the letters individually. It is very intuitive)

The AMOLED screen is a plus, but i am not sure I would be able to tell the diff. I think side by side it may be obvious, but I the size of the screen is what I like.

I think the important thing to remember is that with android, the whole experience can be customizable. I use launcher pro for my home screens, and I have a bunch of widgets that I paid for. I never thought i would pay for apps, but they really do make things easier/better.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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My brother in law (mega tech guy) bought his wife an epic, he was so impressed with it he went and got himself one.

I'm very impressed with Samsung's line of cell phones as well. I got my daughter the Samsung intercept for her birthday and for a phone that is $79, it is durable, fast, the touch screen is very responsive.



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Ok so heres what I can see so far after playing with both phones ( mind you neither of them was connected to service so I couldnt test out internet or calls or anything using either of those ) but the screen is definately brighter and more colorful on the Epic though the Evo is a tad bigger. The Epic's keyboard can come in handy at least since I dont know how much I'll like using a touchscreen for typing. The EVO on the other hand has a better camera ( not that I'm buying a phone for photography ), along with kickstand, make it more convineient for video chatting if I chose to use it. Touch call. as for software, I dont know the difference between any of the OS"s so cant make that call however at least Sprint now has a 30 day return option so I Can always change the phone.


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Ok so I went with the Epic mainly because of the keyboard. I've been using it for two days and I'm mostly happy with it. Alot of the aggravation will probably resolve as I learn more about properly using the features. The main drawback, and for me this is a big negative, is that it does not sync with Outlook. According to some forums there supposodely will be a software upgrade in the future to remedy this but who knows how long. The only way to sync with Outlook is by using the Google Outlook Calender sync plug in and then use the same gmail account on the Epic and you will sync with the Google Calender and the plug in will sync your Outlook with the Google Calender as well. For contacts, you have to export your contacts to Gmail and then sync with the Epic but you cannot sync contacts with Gmail. You have to do this each time you want to update and its a one way affair. Its a very circular way of doing things plus I have little trust in using online data storage sites, especially one such as Google which is already tracking so much info about us. If I knew about this beforehand, I probably wouldnt have gotten the Epic until a manuafacturers software fix was released ( there are a number of 3rd party apps, none of which are free nor work too well ). Now I still have to figure out how to get my music and podcasts onto the Epic. However I've downloaded a bunch of apps and they work smoothly, as does the phone and internet ( when there is a connection). Sprint Navigator did a good job this morning but for some reason it calls the Belt Pkwy, the Laurelton Pkwy. For you geezers, was that the original name?


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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The Sprint Navigator has been great for me for the past year. The search along feature is just awesome and has helped from running out of diesel twice. Nothing like going down 287 and driving 50 miles without a diesel station insight.

and from wiki (who knew?)
The Belt System, also known as the Circumferential Parkway, is a series of limited-access highways that form a complete circle around the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens on Long Island. The system is composed of four officially separate parkways; however, three of the four are signed as the Belt Parkway. The three parkways that make up the signed Belt Parkway—the Shore Parkway, the Southern Parkway (not to be confused with the Southern State Parkway), and the Laurelton Parkway—are 25.29 miles (40.70 km) long.


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