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Garden city
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So I'm surprised there r no movie threads out there that I have seen anyway!

Soo last 2 movies ive seen
Robin hood with russel crow I love movies made in this time period and this movie had great potential but this one was all over the place so I'd give it 1 star.

Kick ass was great a little long very ridiculous but very funny and cool scenes of an 11 yr old girl superhero killing 20 plus guys I'd give it 3 and a half stars
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Staten Island
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I rarely go to the movies because it's a rip off plus I have Fios with every channel plus on demand. I just saw Zack and Miri make a porno that was pretty funny. I also saw Observe and report that was REALLY funny. Saw Pineapple Express for the second time, also really good.


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She's out of your league was hilarious! hot tub was good but mainly cause of the ending, dinner for shmucks is good, the other guys was funny too


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Staten Island
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The hangover was pretty funny but I think I hated the ending. Dinner for shmucks I actually went on a date for I forgot about that. EHH it was funny but not as funny as the 3 teenage black girls behind me thought it was. I hate going to the movies for that exact reason. People don't know how to stfu! LOL Those of you that have been to my place know I bring the theater to me haha.
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Grown ups was really good . The town was good. I can't wait for Jack ass those dudes are funny but i would be mad at most of the s##t they do to each other. The expandable was ok. Should had been better with all those actors. ( I go the movies alot) it's my other hobby .


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Am lookin forward to seeing The Town and Soul to Take as well as jackass 3D.

Watched a somewhat oldie but goodie the other day for the first time in a while---Boondock Saints

I get up to four tickets for a buck a piece once their out for a week or 2 here at my towns theatre- so even if the movie sucks its worth it.


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Staten Island
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Am lookin forward to seeing The Town and Soul to Take as well as jackass 3D.

Watched a somewhat oldie but goodie the other day for the first time in a while---Boondock Saints

I get up to four tickets for a buck a piece once their out for a week or 2 here at my towns theatre- so even if the movie sucks its worth it.

Boondock Saints is a classic. How do you manage that? a BUCK? That's crazy man it's friggin 12 bucks everywhere I barely go to the movies anymore because of that you can buy the dvd for less.


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I'm a vollie firefighter in my town on my off time so they give you up to 4 tickets with a Hicksville FD ID. One of the only perks around town (that and never getting a ticket in town because we operate with the PD all the time). There are restrictions as in it has to be out for approximately 2 weeks and they give you a hard time on weekends due to it being peak business time.

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