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Azooxanthellae Addict
Yonkers, NY
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Just as the title says...Who from MR is going to Greenwich Aquaria this weekend for their big sale? For those unable to make it to the swap or those who are just addicted to the hobby, you should definitely stop by. Every September Jason goes all out, this year from the 24-26, store is stock to the hilt with some crazy stuff, he frags out the show tank, 1/2 off of frozen foods, deep discount on dry goods, and who knows if he will have PJ dressed up like a sea cucumber...normally it is a fun time with good people.



Advanced Reefer
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Just as the title says...Who from MR is going to Greenwich Aquaria this weekend for their big sale? For those unable to make it to the swap or those who are just addicted to the hobby, you should definitely stop by. Every September Jason goes all out, this year from the 24-26, store is stock to the hilt with some crazy stuff, he frags out the show tank, 1/2 off of frozen foods, deep discount on dry goods, and who knows if he will have PJ dressed up like a sea cucumber...normally it is a fun time with good people.


do they stock a lot of frags and how are the prices? I mean, it is Greenwich afterall, where their definition of cheap differs from most people.
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