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Advanced Reefer
Long Island
Rating - 100%
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This is absolutely ridiculous. I'm so sick of people saying Avery this and Avery that. How many times has it happened when one person doesn't even get their gloves off before the other person pounds on them? Not every fight is in center ice where both players take off their gloves and helmet. Did Avery jump Smid? Yes, but Smid is bigger, and Smid approached Avery to fight. Avery has is a very very intelligent antagonizer. Yes sometimes he goes off the deep end but he found his advantage in the fight against a bigger stronger person that wanted to instigate against him. It's only a big deal because he landed such a square hit. I've seen skaters get jumped all the time. Especially after a big hit. How often do we see a player throw a big hit only to have an enforcer fly in and start pounding on the guy before he even has a chance to defend himself. At least Avery and Smid were face to face. What if Smid was continually goading Sean into fight even after Sean said no? Maybe Avery just decided quickly fine, I'm gonna fight him and threw a quick punch? Smid should have been prepared especially because it was Avery. people cry at every little thing he does. The reason why Edm freaked out about that was because they were losing 8-2 AGAIN! If it was a close game, the brawl would have never broken out and Avery would have gotten 5 for fighting and Smid 2 for roughing. Edm would get a PP and yell at Avery through the glass in the box.

There's a reason why the Garden chants A-very A-very, because he's a fan favorite for his spirit and ability to play. Even if sometimes he does something stupid. We find it hilarious!!!!

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