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Paul B

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Well it's about time the US recognizes it's returning troops. We have not done this since WW2.
They are planning a ticker tape parade in Manhattan. We don't have ticker tape any more so they have to invent some other paper to use.
I think this is great.
When I got out of the service, I left from Cambodia and landed in New Jersey in the middle of the night. They gave me a 15 cent subway token and showed me the door.
No, Thank you, Have a nice day, drop dead, nothing.
And there are no subways in Jersey so if I didn't get a ride I would have to hitch hike the hundred miles to my house.
I wanted to kiss a girl in the street like that famous picture after WW2. I had to look for a homeless person to do that, and I had to pay her and possably get cooties.

They should have a ticker tape parade when any service person comes home.
OK yes I am frustrated, but this is a great thing.

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