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Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Ok im disappointed with Manhatten Reefs because theres and app for the Iphone and there is yet to be an App for android phone users. I sure there are alot of MR Android users that agree with me . What is the deal with and MR App for Android user .Is it comming or its just going to stick with the Iphone crowded. Please let us know what in store for us in the future with this MR App.


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It is being worked on, however I have no problems with the real site on the DolphinHD browser. There are other threads about this as well.


Bay Ridge, BK
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i use dolphinhd as well and have no problems using the site either, can reefberry, use rg, anything. i agree with mcfuzz, really android users with large screens dont need an app. (not that we shouldnt get one regardless)


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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batt600 said:
I can get on the site on my phone throw the web but it will be nice for a app that will notify me when i have a pm or a reefberry that would be cool instead of my always cheeking my phone

Don't hold your breath. The iPhone app doesn't do any of this. Reefberry doesn't work at all in the app.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


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You guys can't live without this forum for 5 minutes, can you:tongue1: I always sit like stupid waiting for someone to reply to my page:)

hahaha me too! and WHAT ABOUT BLACKBERRYS FOR THAT MATTER! the apple monopoly screws everyone again :P


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I have it set up that I receive an email notification as soon as I get a PM.

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