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Storm and storm 2. Nice phones but the unfortunate tree smashing my phone while pruning it accident brought me to the droid incredible and I can honestly say the only way I go back to a BB is if I need a backup phone while my DINC is fixed.


im sending spies to destroy ur phone do not resist lol just return to bb circle!


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There used to be..before Droid happened. I am so much happier with my Droid than my Storm (which I still might throw under a truck, just because...) Night & Day :)
:( someones not getting a Christmas card this year. i still love my blackberry, wouldnt switch it unless an iphone was thrown my way for free. lol


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not a group app, i researched, and the features this has are way better. like the public pic gallery.


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Northern Jersey
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Crapberries were last years hit. Hate to say it but Verizon posted about 2 months ago that 83% of blackberries are now official android users. Face it, why would anyone get a black berry anymore, when any of the android phones does way more then black berry ever dreamed of doing... I'll give black berry a few more months until they are extinct . But don't be upset. Droid knows the look of a black berry is nice, that's why the Droid pro is almost out. It's pretty much the look of the curve or tour, but running android


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sorry ryan it will never happen. black berry will always be around on the buisness level, it may do like ibm and not try so hard to get the average consumers attention but cuntinue producing solid devices. what bb offers that the other platforms still dont have is dedicated servers. my web, email etc is not provided by my carrier but by black berry, thats what makes them so appealing to corperate users, there is no chance for data interception, this is why government officials use blackberry, the security factor is a big pro for them for some reason...

anyways...i love my blackberry, an no i am not some loony un willing to change (i sell cellphones) still hanging on the curtails of an old fad, its just what android, and ipone does my phone does, it may not do some of the cute transitions/animations and what not but im ok with straightforward. (and a big plus for me is i can text a drive :shhh: lol)


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Queens, New York
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sorry ryan it will never happen. black berry will always be around on the buisness level, it may do like ibm and not try so hard to get the average consumers attention but cuntinue producing solid devices. what bb offers that the other platforms still dont have is dedicated servers. my web, email etc is not provided by my carrier but by black berry, thats what makes them so appealing to corperate users, there is no chance for data interception, this is why government officials use blackberry, the security factor is a big pro for them for some reason...

anyways...i love my blackberry, an no i am not some loony un willing to change (i sell cellphones) still hanging on the curtails of an old fad, its just what android, and ipone does my phone does, it may not do some of the cute transitions/animations and what not but im ok with straightforward. (and a big plus for me is i can text a drive :shhh: lol)

My uncle is a "big" corporate guy... head of internet security for a Swiss Financial Group (I think hahahaha)... and he just uses the Citrix app for anything work computer related. He used to be a Blackberry guy too (as was I).. and then I moved to Android (HTC Incredible)... and then my gf added me to her family plan.. and well paying $25 for an iPhone 4 once a month... isn't bad.. at all.

Anyway.. as far as smartphones go.. I don't think/agree that RIM will ever totally go out of business (same with Palm), mainly due to the old fogies.. that refuse to learn anything new, for example the Urologist I work for... has used Palms before they were even Smartphones.. and has never ever used anything else. He liked his old crappy touch screen better than his Pixi & Pre... haha.

But iOS/Android = the future of Smartphones.

(On a tech related note - will be interesting to see the Google OS (Chromium) branded laptops/netbooks that'll be coming out shortly.. who knows maybe MS will be finally pushed to their limit.. ehhh prob not haha.)

I will give BB one thing though... BBM is pretty cool, but annoying when your girlfriend BBMs you at 3am.. and can tell you read her BBM.. and don't answer..... :shhh:


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My uncle is a "big" corporate guy... head of internet security for a Swiss Financial Group (I think hahahaha)... and he just uses the Citrix app for anything work computer related. He used to be a Blackberry guy too (as was I).. and then I moved to Android (HTC Incredible)... and then my gf added me to her family plan.. and well paying $25 for an iPhone 4 once a month... isn't bad.. at all.

Anyway.. as far as smartphones go.. I don't think/agree that RIM will ever totally go out of business (same with Palm), mainly due to the old fogies.. that refuse to learn anything new, for example the Urologist I work for... has used Palms before they were even Smartphones.. and has never ever used anything else. He liked his old crappy touch screen better than his Pixi & Pre... haha.

But iOS/Android = the future of Smartphones.

(On a tech related note - will be interesting to see the Google OS (Chromium) branded laptops/netbooks that'll be coming out shortly.. who knows maybe MS will be finally pushed to their limit.. ehhh prob not haha.)

I will give BB one thing though... BBM is pretty cool, but annoying when your girlfriend BBMs you at 3am.. and can tell you read her BBM.. and don't answer..... :shhh:

like is said rim has their own servers no other brand has that, thats their edge, security and reliability. im very tech savvy, im a manger of a cell phone store to i have to be, and i would still stay with my blackberry. :shhh:


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Northern Jersey
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thats nothing special... im sorry but blackberrys can do only a quarter of what iphones and smartphones can do. becides text, calls, internet, email, camera, video...what does it have that can even compare to a smartphone or iphone?

blackberries are like old computers with DOS. everything was the boring Courier New font. a simple background color with dif. color font. pretty much a blackberry. years ago when they came out, yeah it was cool...and so was DOS. take the blackberry marketplace... that has to be the most plain and simple style market out there. and BBM? a dedicated server for only black berries to send text messages? thats coollll..... kinda the same as a basic text message right? whats so special? my girlfriend has a blackberry and thought it was so cool and all. she liked the BBM thing too and was like ohh its like AOL kinda and i can take pictures of my friends blackberry code or whatever. that kinda confused me because isnt a aol style chat... the same as text messaging except for the annoying opening and closing of a door when people sign on or off? lets just say she thought it was cool, until she picked up my htc incredible back in may and realized her cute blackberry really is not so cool.

and "cute graphics and animations"? thats an entire UI program. something blackberries will never come close to... those "cute" graphics are the future of electronic software programming.

let me see someone like a corperate user take a blackberry and open up a exel program or word program or some powerpoint real quick on a blackberry and be able to not only see it because of its low pixel color screen, but easily be able to correct errors on it or quickly breif over it for quick information on stats or whatever. then let me see them grab an iphone or smartphone and do the same job. that blackberry will be thrown out a window once they see what smartphones capibility are when it comes to something like that.

and finally... the blackberry keyboards are made for toddlers fingers. lets be honest, most of us are men here, and if your like me, your fingers are not really pencil thin, more like little sausages. tell me how your going to type anything. at least palm is getting the picture and putting a nice space between all their letters or making the keys larger...

im sure blackberrys will never completely fad away, they will be around for a long time... (as long as they copy ideas from apple or android and dont get caught!)
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