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me and my buddy having fun at beach this past weekend. racing and jumping for past 15 years, broke hand,legs,nose......
i just have no fear even at age 33
i just have no fear even at age 33
Just wait till you break your back and you can't move. HAHAHA that will put some fear into you.
Someone breaking their back is funny to you?
Just wait till you break your back and you can't move. HAHAHA that will put some fear into you.
Ant get some balls and come with me on the back
Ha i went down on my motorcycle 3 times the 3thr time a car hit me and i still got back on it . There a saying what doesnt heart you will make you stronger.he got it wrong its what hearts you make you stronger.
wow Jimmy thats crazy, at least I fall in water most of the time beside the time i get hurt was from landing on the ski