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My little girl turned two yesterday. This morning she took up the car key, did a kissy face, told her mom and me "give me tiss (kiss)" and then tried to open the front door. Of course she turned back when she remembered she didn't have her socks on!! She's funny!
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...enjoy them while you can!!!!
Too true! She's growing so fast, changing so much that we can hardly keep up with her. She's changed our lives (in a good way of course). She's truly a blessing, even though she started the terrible two's earlier than usual. :) Not to mention that I'm already dreading the pre-teen and teenage years! A few months ago out of nowhere she said pocket and held on to mine, she said money (she identified cash, coins and believe it even atm/credit cards too)!


Old School Reefer
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Mine was born yesterday too. This year she'll be a senior in college.

My son was born yesterday as well. He's been living in S. Korea for almost a year now. :(

I coached every Little League team he was on.
I was score keeper for his ice hockey team.
I was 'everything' at their swim meets.

This is to every one of you new and young parents. DO NOT wait until tomorrow to do the things you've thought about doing with your kids, DO THEM TODAY. You all think it's an old joke that they grow old overnight. It literally feels like they do and you cannot, no matter what you do, do anything to recapture the time lost.

I am incredibly proud of my children. :approve: But I am just as sad to see them leave the nest. It hurts..............A LOT! :happysad:

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Mine was born yesterday too. This year she'll be a senior in college.

My son was born yesterday as well. He's been living in S. Korea for almost a year now. :(

I coached every Little League team he was on.
I was score keeper for his ice hockey team.
I was 'everything' at their swim meets.

This is to every one of you new and young parents. DO NOT wait until tomorrow to do the things you've thought about doing with your kids, DO THEM TODAY. You all think it's an old joke that they grow old overnight. It literally feels like they do and you cannot, no matter what you do, do anything to recapture the time lost.

I am incredibly proud of my children. :approve: But I am just as sad to see them leave the nest. It hurts..............A LOT! :happysad:

Very true!

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