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so are we going to your club in Orlando???

Ask Josh whether he wants to host it there. I am just offering it as a hospitality thing. My venue has no issue with nosie complaint. LOL.

I can set 2 pool table FREE if you guys wants to play
You guys can bring your video game stuff to hook up to the projector and audio if Josh wants to host it there.

Cash beer and soft drink bar. Bring your own liquor.

We can open 24 hours as long as you guys are staying. LOL
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Long Island
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Just read this on RC, seams Florida has some strict rules on selling, it's along thread but has some interesting info http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1849850&page=11

To everyone attending MACNA- please read this post, as the FWC will have a table or area set up to discuss. Here is what I have received after many emails, calls, and effort to try and resolve this question that was brought to light:

After many discussions on this topic here is our agency position at this time:

When Law Enforcement Officers encounter an individual selling any saltwater products to the public they will check to make sure individuals have, at the minimum, a retail dealers license. Individuals offering or possessing large quantities of marine life species may be asked for further licenses, permits, DACS Aquaculture Certificates (if appropriate), or receipts in order to account for their inventory. Law Enforcement Officers will use discretion while the FWC reviews the requirements for the sale of marine life by the hobbyist community.

The FWC intends to have a representative at the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America (MACNA) show on September 4-5 in Orlando to answer further questions and to gather information from marine life enthusiasts regarding trade and sale of marine life by recreational hobbyists. Individuals who wish to potentially participate in future public workshops and rule development on this issue can leave their contact information on a sign-up sheet with the FWC representative at the show.

Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Thank you for being patient while we developed our reply.

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