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Lt. Laurie Zimmet, serving with US Navy Intelligence in Baghdad, Iraq, organized a Chanukah Festival and Menorah kindling inside the Al Faw Palace, the former palace of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad. The US Armed Services granted her the permission to organize it and distributed flyers to thousands of Jewish Servicemen and women serving our country inviting them to celebrate Chanukah in this most unique location.

Zimmet is a member of Chabad of the Conejo. "Laurie brought the message of Chanukah alive for so many of our people that are away from home during the holiday of Chanukah - a message of "Light Over Darkness". In a facility built by an evil man of an evil regime, the light of Chanukah shined bright. A victory for the light of goodness over darkness", said Rabbi Moshe Bryski, Laurie's Rabbi. "We are all so proud of her."

Notice the Menorah and X-mas tree in the background ,What a good way to use up space for our soilders ...


  • Saddam.jpg
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jhale said:
i thought there was going to be a reef tank discovered ;)

guess it would not look to good if that was the case.
I think he had a reef tank when they discovered him in his hole :bigeyes2: He was hanging out with the bottom feeders :) :tongue1:


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masterswimmer said:
Let there be light........in our hearts, in our souls and in our reefs....amen!

Great pic, thanx Deep,

At least they havea hoilday in style ,Iknow that palace is the Sh!t .Man with all his money,I hope they hada great party at the palace ,and the puked all over the place just for the hell of it ,lol


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Right by the GWB
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awesome pic ronen that's my cousin over there the one with the sweater and gun hanging off his back Sergent Seyhun. He just finished serving. His contract was up after the raid of his palace then they extended his contract a year and sent him back again. He's back now and partying like a madman in SoBe. Much needed r&r!


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Barnacle_Blenny said:
awesome pic ronen that's my cousin over there the one with the sweater and gun hanging off his back Sergent Seyhun. He just finished serving. His contract was up after the raid of his palace then they extended his contract a year and sent him back again. He's back now and partying like a madman in SoBe. Much needed r&r!
Is it really? :bigeyes2:

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