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Northern Jersey
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even though everyone finds this super gay and ect... i find a few episodes really funny. when snookie got punched in the face by an ex cop at the bar or whatever. and then that chick.... jwoww or whoever back hands the situation" in the face. haha i found it real funny. i just dont feel they deserve to be making that much money or get the celeb. style life right now. all in all show kinda gay, but some pretty funny lol


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I find this educational TV show so refreshing.

I never knew you could take the trashiest parts of a Jersey stereotype and make a ton of money from them. I mean not just the people who sell spray on tans.
But, when you have moms like the real housewives of New Jersey you have to expect some colorful kids.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Anthony you have been going on about this show since last year when it started..you keep saying how horrible it is yet you obviously watch EVERY episode. Just shut up already stop being such a hater. I'm sure if the tables were turned and you were getting 10 grand an episode to chill and get drunk you wouldn't mind it.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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sad thing is is that none of them are FROM jersey. most are ny and li and that area. the only thing that pisses me off that that it gives people from jersey a bad name. for instance i went to upstate NY a month or 2 back to go quadding with alot of friends, and the neigbors of the peopertly all call us "jersey f***ers". and call us tourists and ect... and that we dont know how to live in the outdoors. are you SERIOUS!!!! my back yard has a quick walk way to the fricken Appalachian trail. JERSEY is woods woods and...woods. bear, deer, squirrels, rabbits ect... come on. jersey is not like jersey shore and no one i know acts like that! YEAH FIST PUMPING!!! no. no no no no no. more of rock music, sitting outside on a deck drinking a beer and talking about cars, quads, or girls.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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no you just like to complain about it like you did with your other thread last year..you're not asking opinions you want to attempt a "witch hunt" on the jersey shore cast. This is such an idiotic conversation to even have SMH.

Ryan they are not supposed to "be" from Jersey the whole point was they were people who went to the shore in the summer to party there. Just like people who go to he hamptons etc. Now they are in miami that should be interesting. My fios doesn't come til next Thursday though WEEEAKKK =/


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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trig altough that is true, still i mean mainly if someone from maine or north car. or cali or anywhere sees that, they think thats whats all of jersey is. crazy, selfish, slutty people who party 24/7 and spoiled. and also like to get into fights and are alcoholics and cannot hold their beer and are loud mouth short tempered idoitic ragging bonerhead fags. excuse my french lol. but thats what they are. still im from jersey, and i find some time its funny


Experienced Reefer
new jersey
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I like the show. Reminds me when I was a young punk. Going to the shore, heading to Miami. Going to dance clubs and picking up girls. Only thing that's ridiculous is all the preening they do. Tons of hairspray, dressing up, tanning and working out. Wish I had a camera crew, a jacuzzi and my own tv show when I was young. It would have been easier to pick up girls and I would have been getting paid for it. I have some of my fondest memories from south beach. I'm sure those kids had a blast down there.


cephalopod enthusiast
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In theory, I would certainly like to go on vacation, lounge around and get paid for it (I mean, c'mon, if someone said "I will pay you to go hang out in Fiji with some like minded strangers for a few weeks, we just have to follow you around and you have to make seemingly witty remarks from time to time and wear some ill-fitting clothing for a little bit," you would probably do it for the $10,000 an episode they pull.) However, I would never embarrass myself (and in turn, my family) to the point that MTV allegedly "requires" these individuals to. These kids (and I use the term loosely because some of them are pushing thirty) are completely oblivious to the fact that their 15 minutes of fame is not going to last forever, and that they will carry the stigma of the personality that they portrayed on the show forever. You can't still be "The Situation" when you're 70. Are they really that vapid and self absorbed? Probably to some degree, but I suspect that the network amps it up to perpetuate the stereotype because, well, it makes good television. (I will admit that I do indulge and watch it from time to time, but I like to call it "socio-anthropological research" :shhh:)

But seriously, why use your brain to support yourself when you could lie in a carcinogenic illuminated bed, get battered, and destroy your liver for more money and less effort! Way to go, generation X! :smash:
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MR's Greatest Member
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In theory, I would certainly like to go on vacation, lounge around and get paid for it (I mean, c'mon, if someone said "I will pay you to go hang out in Fiji with some like minded strangers for a few weeks, we just have to follow you around and you have to make seemingly witty remarks from time to time and wear some ill-fitting clothing for a little bit, you would probably do it for the $10,000 an episode they pull.) However, I would never embarrass myself (and in turn, my family) to the point that MTV allegedly "requires" these individuals to. These kids (and I use the term loosely because some of them are pushing thirty) are completely oblivious to the fact that their 15 minutes of fame is not going to last forever, and that they will carry the stigma of the personality that they portrayed on the show forever. You can't still be "The Situation" when you're 70. Are they really that vapid and self absorbed? Probably to some degree, but I suspect that the network amps it up to perpetuate the stereotype because, well, it makes good television. (I will admit that I do indulge and watch it from time to time, but I like to call it "socio-anthropological research" :shhh:)

But seriously, why use your brain to support yourself when you could lie in a carcinogenic illuminated bed, get battered, and destroy your liver for more money and less effort! Way to go, generation X! :smash:
The sad thing is that most of the kids on that show are really like that in real life. It's not an act for the camera. I know a few people that grew up with the situation and some of them are my family, and they said he was always like that. And that Jwooww girl grew up down the street from me and yes she really is like that. The slutty clothes and everything.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I see this all the time around here.
This isnt people in Jersey Shore, this is a culture of people that were showcased on the internet as DBs. They emulate the style that was shown in Growing Up Gotti.
This is a ridiculous phase of life that unfortunately gets validated because networks like MTV will appeal to the lowest common denominator and actually show this.
Imagine something you did when you were younger that seemed cool at the time becoming a reality based TV show. People would eventually think that is a reality.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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ryan..in the 1st episode they said where everyone was from and if people are too stupid to know that those people are not from jersey then who cares. -

I did not know she grew up in Jersey I heard she lived in Franklin Square long island.


MR's Greatest Member
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I'm pretty sure it is her. I don't really know the names of them LOL, but I know one of them grew up down the street from me. Hazlet NJ. And they are not copying GROWING up GOTTI, Obviously you never went to Staten Island, it has always been a special island way before GOTTI. I like to think of it as an isolated species LOL


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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lol I think maybe it's sammy the b@tch who has ronnie whipped lol

yea growing up gotti? I can't even believe that get's a reference that show was not on for very long and those people are not significant enough to even speak about. Anthony was saying that last time too. Those gotti losers don't look like that anymore last I saw they had short hair. It's the style of everyone in the club scene..TV doesn't have anything to do with it. I know people from soundfactory that were always like that since the early 90's. Spikey hair,muscles and tanning has been popular forever. Chicks dig it. What guy doesn't want to look at a hot chick with a tan body in a skimpy outfit?
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