The wii is ill I don't care what people say, lots of people hate on the wii but they probably don't play the right games the marios are cool,sports bowling etc. all those game party type multi game discs..the one thing I like best about it though is that it has a GUN it's much better for shooters than a controller and pushing buttons like on ps3 or xbox. Great shooters are house of the dead 2&3 which is the old school ones from the arcade,ghost squad which is like counter strikeish killing terrorists Also only 20 bucks each now at bestbuy. There is also cool games where you use a sword and swing the controller like a sword "no more heroes" and "Red Steel" SICK GAME kind of like the bond games but with jap mafia. Quantum of Solace is a dope game too. As far as old school games it's not just old NES it's SEGA, nin64,snes, turbo graphics 16 and I think some other stuff. I honestly haven't turned it on in months I haven't had time but it is def a cool system. The only drawbacks are that sometimes the controller is a lil too sensitive but they made the motion plus so everything is more in check now from what I hear. The 2nd thing I don't like is it's not hd other than that it's great.