Mercury is in all fish now, not just American fish. I rarely eat fruit from Chili or any foreign country and I almost never eat red meat. I go shopping with my wife once a week and when the grapes are from Chili, we don't eat grapes, when pineapples are from Indonesia, we don't eat pineapples, Limes from south America, nope.
Pistacchios from Israel, no thanks. We buy a lot of honey and there is only one brand made in the US, It is more expensive, but thats what we buy.
When the cars are no longer built in the US, I will build it myself.
Besides chemicals and pesticides I like to support American workers.
We should not complain if we wake up to an Indian radio, put on a Vietnamese shirt,
brush our teeth with Chinese toothpaste, jump into a Mitsubishi to drive to the unimployment office.