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Isn't the national Pork Board also known as the Government? Maybe they have some unicorns stashed somewhere and this order might hold water after all.

But seriously, don't companies/ organizations have to enforce their trademarked, copywrited, patented, etc. materials whenever they may be infringed upon (even if it is parody) or risk setting a potentially dangerous precedent for future cases?


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Staten Island
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Isn't the national Pork Board also known as the Government? Maybe they have some unicorns stashed somewhere and this order might hold water after all.

But seriously, don't companies/ organizations have to enforce their trademarked, copywrited, patented, etc. materials whenever they may be infringed upon (even if it is parody) or risk setting a potentially dangerous precedent for future cases?

Yes they have to protect their copyrighted stuff against others who are trying to use it for profit. However this being an obvious joke was just RIDICULOUS on their part to go and file a suit when it is so obvious..how do you confuse sale of a mythical creature for food as something real? Oh by the way guys I have sasquatch stew and troll marinara sauce for sale as well.

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