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I'm having hard time falling a sleep at night and have a sick stomach just to think about how many fish/birds we are going to loss.

I'm strongly recommend BP to build a gigantic fish tank to hold the fish refugee from the sea. I know it's wishful thinking, n unrealistic.

The CEO and top management ppl of BP should go to jail for the leak, the devastation they created for the animal and the ppl of the region.

Please forgive me for venting.


Advanced Reefer
Bellport, NY
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We are all at fault, our cars, homes, and electricty are run on oil (most of us), but they need to pay the people that are being put out of work. You cannot send them to jail for it when we gave them the permits to do it in the first place. If our government were not paid for by special interests, they would inspect these sites with more diligence. Nobody votes, but when there is a disaster, everyone cares all of a sudden, amazing place we live. I really hope we learn as a country from this experience, it is terrible what is happening. :(


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I would say at least to do our part by upgrading my fish tank n go out there get some refugee fish and put them in our tank. :tongue1:


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I think we should put all the BP execs in a tank and fill it with crude oil. The execs of the company running the oil rig to.
I would rather see that than anything else right now.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


Advanced Reefer
Southampton, NY
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honestly i know its against the law but if i lived in florida and there was any chance that they reefs would get destroyed... i would set up a tank and go collect everything i could. then when this whole mess is over i would repopulate the reef with what i took... but im up here in ny


Advanced Reefer
Vernon NJ
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Write a letter to the banks,mortgage companies and the governer of florida and ask them to convert all the swimming pools of the foreclosed homes on the gulf coast into outdoor reef tanks lol

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