No problem but thanks..I am waiting on a job from the DEP and I need a good reference. The guy I used to do plumbing with a few years ago is a total S-bag still owes me money to this day. He would NOT be a good reference lol
I was told that the law only allows your employer to give facts about your employment - how long, your job description. Anything else makes them legally liable. My boss already told me that while I could get a personal reference from him, he couldn't do that on behalf of the company.
yea well trust me this S-bag does not care about the law he took taxes out of my checks and never gave me a w2 then he said he was going to give the money back to me but never did. It was a tough aunt's husband's brother. I was going to just knock him out but I only see him at my lil cuz's b-day parties and I can't knock a kid's uncle out on his b-day lol. I should have called the IRS on him but never got around to it it was a few years ago.