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Og Drogon

Freshwater monster
Apopka, Florida
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Hello peoples ...I wanted to know if anybody here knows of boats that take people to fishing sites or fishing spots where I can drive too with my son we just bought some beginers fishing rods.....I never been fish bought it seems like fun and relaxing....somthing me and my son can do beside his sport games.:)

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If you live in Brooklyn, head down to Sheepshead Bay...a whole range of boats, going out both morning and evening, for a whole range of different fish...there are boats for porgies and seabass ("bottom fishing"), fluke, striped bass, and bluefish. If its your first time, I'd suggest bottom fishing. The fish won't be large, but they will be plentiful and easy to catch. Fluke and striped bass might be frustrating, as the fish have to be pretty large to be legal, and you may have to toss back all your fish. Buefish give a great fight, and you can catch a lot, but bluefish party boats can be a little too gross for an absolute beginner.


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More info on Captree:


Has anybody gone out on these boats lately?



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$110 and they take you out on a boat all day???

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No. It's a 6 hour trip. That is all you need. Live-lining bunkers for big stripers. Very productive fishing. Don't confuse charter fishing with party boat fishing. They're entirely different things. On the charter boat there are only 6 guys. It's a very specialized higher quality product.
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These are all great ideas for experienced fishermen. But the OP said he had never done any fishing...that being the case, and being that he is with his kid, I would think that bottom fishing is a good start, and party boats are more affordable. Me? I'd definitely take a charter (not that I can afford one at the moment) for bass...I sometimes take one out of Orient for bass in the Race (great place for big bass....I've had trips where the 20 lb'ers were the smallest), but for a guy whose never fished, simple is best.


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I'd say stick with the Sheapshead bay party boats. Its where I used to go when I was a wee one. Beware though that not all the boats are really family friendly ( at leat the crowds ) but Captain Dave is one and when I last went so was the Brooklyn V or VI or whatever number it is now. Captree is very family friendly but more expensive and generally not so good fishing cause the boats tend to stay in the way overfished bay and rarely venture out to the ocean due to expense of gas. On the party boat, you can leave your rod or take it and use theirs if yours is not appropriate and the mates will show you the ropes and help you when needed, at least on the better boats where the mates are not busy fishing themselves.

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