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I know I know its been beat to death but this vid on Youtube makes some really good points on why in my eyes TRANSOCEAN should be the ones to take the brunt of the punishment- BP is just as much at fault but if you watch the whole vid I think youll see why I believe TRANSOCEAN should be hammered more its really pretty simple.........they have HISTORY


Probably should have titled it "technological advances?" or lack there of
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They have BUT they say it they wont be ready until around August, so the capping theyre sayin will be around end of summer, fall time then the cleanup will be for months after that.

They also give conflicting reports everyday, they say the clean up will be done in months after capping the well(but the Exxon Valdeze took years and this towers over it in stature, as well as Alaskas fisheries state the clean up was never completed the right way) then they say the total cleanup will be years- no one seems to really just admit it what they need to do is just fess up and give the dooms day reports. Im sure the residents along the gulf would rather hear itll take 5 years and it be done in 3 than to hear months and it take 2 years.

Plus like said in the video- all the stuff that they barely pulled of then(which is the same stuff theyre doing now) was only at 200 feet deep, this ones at 5,000 plus so I think everything's a total crapshoot. Hope it works out with stopping the flow.
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It's really hard to say who is at fault more, but anyway these sometyhing to consider:

1)Transocean is USA firm vs BP is British Firm
2)Transocean is less well financed vs BP is VERY well financed
3)Halliburton is "so US government officials related" (which Vice President of USA is with them before? Hmm, I forgot.) vs BP is only related thru other not so direct channels.

I strongly believe most of the experts agree that there isn't any exisiting method that can seal the leak until the relieve wells are done, so they simply continue to give out false hopes to lower hostilities.

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