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Addicted to coral
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Its the new black one that came out like a year or two ago. Well the text never works when i want it to. Only works in certin area's and the bbm always freezes on me when i am typing something. It goes blank. Nextel always says to do a master reset or take the battery out, what a pain in the a*s


Barnum Island
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I don't have a Nextel BB (mine is Verizon, and I still like to picture mine under the wheel of a truck..) , but they tend to get screwy when you don't keep up with the updates.


Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
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I'd either do an entire reload of the Blackberry handheld software or have them replace if you have a warranty on it. I mean as long as you're not getting JVM errors it's not dead yet.

I had experienced with T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T Blackberry through my job and we order hundreds of them, if it was a 7xxx series I say replace it but the latter ones like the 8700 and Curves have been pretty rock solid. I'm currently using a Verizon Tour. Keyboard is too depressed for my liking to type on.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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Had the BB curve for Verizon.. well still have it just don't use it.

IMO blackberry sucks.

Everyone raves about the keyboard.. which is quite good. But other than that... they just suck. Very unstable software.. after all these years you'd think they could get it right.

I know that Sprint is supposed to get some new 4g Android phone..I believe it is an HTC. I have an HTC Incredible right now.. and I must say the Android OS is rock solid. I would definitely recommend looking into an upgrade for pretty much almost ANY android phone you can get your hands on.


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If you are talking about the 8350i I had it from December of 2008 - June of 2009. It was plagued with problems from day 1 for me. By the time I switched to Verizon I had gone through 3 phones and just got fed up with it. The internal antenna made reception extremely poor and the biggest problem was that it would lock up and restart all the time. I reloaded Os'es and switched phones and eventually got fed up. Crackberry.com has a forum for it. You should check it out.

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