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So i have an 87' honda trx250x that "was" in great condition considering the age and the amount of abuse its been through. Never had any problems at all untill recently and it looks like now i have to rebuild the top end of the engine. And since its gonna cost me a pretty penny to do in a shop i opted to do it myself on my own time. Im in no rush since its not my main quad but it would be great to get it fixed.

Im actually thinking of throwing a newer 300ex engine inside since its pretty much a perfect swap but i can't find any in good shape.

Anyone with any experience on motorcycle/quad engine rebuilds here? got a bunch of questions that need answering before i start to do anything.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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i swear to you, pm bilbo913 and ask him anything and he will help you with everything. he has a 89 250quadsport and fully rebuilt a 87 a few weeks ago. he can help you with anything. im going to call him right now to tell him to pm you. he will answer any question you have

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