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Fishes are cuddly
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I put some tank water in a glass and put mysis and brine shrimp in it to thaw out so I feed my fishes. I set the glass down in front of the tank and went to go get some pellet food. When I came back, my 2 year old was drinking my mysis and brine shrimp cocktail. Looked really gross to me, but she asked for more after I took it away from her. I had to explain repeatedly that it was for the fishes and she couldn't have any more. I guess I will have to watch my fish food more carefully.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
Rating - 99.4%
168   1   0
LOL almost as bad as i used to empty my skimmer cup into a gatoraide bottle and my daughter seen it and out it in the frigde thinking i had left gatoraide out and needless to say i got thristy and didnt realize till it touched my mouth


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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34   0   0

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