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Anyone as pumped as I am!? I watched the re-airing of episode 1 today, and then I'm watching the recap from 7-9 and then the final from 9-11:30, and maybe even some of Jimmy Kimmel.

Goodbye Lost, forever!

For those of you who love Lost and need a replacement show, you GOTTA watch Fringe if you haven't started. Season 1 was good, but Season 2 was amazing.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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ill be honest with you, ive watched the show and saw maybe 7-10 episodes and well...honestly...i kept getting...well how can i say it...lost? lol my girlfriends parents are crazy for it. even though after every time it cuts to a comerical her dad yells "WTF is going on?!?!?" but their both hooked and addicted lol. they have has seen every season and episode


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I have been watching lost since the beggining and I still don't get it, it's a stupid show and I literally think the point of it is to just get u lost. I have a feeling there will be some crappy ending that is going to piss us all off like sopranos. We will be so lost we will just have to wait till the movie comes out to get even more confused and learn nothing. I really have a feeling it's going to end up something stupid like the whole show was a dream someone in a coma was having. LOL I have come too far to not see the last one. I swear if they don't do some serious explaining I am going to hunt down JJ Abrams and tie him up in the woods in the middle of nowhere and let him get lost for 6 years and see how he likes it!


Nemo Assassin
New York
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soooooooooooooo they were all dead from the crash and dremped this whole thing? r u f'in kidding me...

the end was way after everything happened. they went to the island without a reason to live. at the end they found someone to love and to live for and they all met up at the church to find eachother in the afterlife


the island = purgatory
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Professional Commuter
Wallingford, CT
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The whole ending is a farst.
How can you have a time setting of "if the plane did not crash" ending the story where either they are all dead or .....
The flash backs made sense to tell you about the characters, the flash forward was fine since it told about the people that made it back to civilization, but the flash sideways to show if the plane never crashed has too many character conficts and was dumb or it just went over my pea brain.
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Guns, Razors, Knives.
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Well, there are a few theories about it. I think (not solidly) that the island was purgatory. They did all die in the crash. Was the crash actually cause by the island? Maybe or maybe not. It could have just been a symbol, a place that they all gathered.

The sideways reality didn't really exist. It was a place without time that existed at some point in the universe where all of the people affected by the island could get together and 'move on'. When Christan Shepard answered Jacks question about 'Am i dead?' and he replied about everyone dying sometime, some sooner than him or many years after him. This explains why Penny was in the church with them. She never died in any timeline, and had nothing to do with the plane, yet she was in the church. She died possibly dozens of years after the rest. This lends to the theory Sideways land was timeless - and a place where they all had to collectively be in order to be at peace with their lives and who they were before they passed on.


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The whole story was changing season to season because of the fan forum discussions. The whole purgatory thing just kinda happened in the middle of the series. The events leading to it are shoddy at best. Things don't add up if you look back at everything from season 1.

Anyways, they still didn't explain much and left way more unexplained than they should have. And the end was rushed. Just like every other J.J. Abrams series. They need to simplify the story line so things flow smoother. There's just too much in his stories.


Guns, Razors, Knives.
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I disagree with the dumbing down of story lines and crossing every 't' and dotting every 'i' so a mass public can understand it. It's like reading the USA Today instead of Newsweek.

The ending was spiritual. The entire ending was based around religion or even more spirituality. People do not know all the answers, there are holes in story and ideas, but people have so much faith in these things they aren't even sure of exist that they would die for them.

The story reflects that throughout the series. I've been trying to make a solid theory about the series, but you cant. They entire point of the series is to never fully know the whole story and to have faith on that things happen for a reason.

You can not make sense of something that has no real boundaries to space and time. Because then, anything they say is possible.

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