2 minutes and 48 seconds of my life I will never get back thanks chief.
And dont worry about it if guam capsizes Chuck Norris will flip it back over.
not true I left the city will never move backOnce you live in NY, you can't live any where else!!!!!!!
That is by far my favorite use of tilt shift photography/videography I have seen yet. i love living in NY. My cousins in Tampa always try to get me to move down there but, as my mom puts it, I'm not ready for "tank-top" weather year round. I love having 5 seasons, even though the winter season can make driving with other on the road maddening.
They should have done a vid of areas other than Manhattan- the not so very touristy places lol. Would make the pace of Jacksonville seem welcomed.
They should have done a vid of areas other than Manhattan- the not so very touristy places lol. Would make the pace of Jacksonville seem welcomed.
salaries dont = cost of living here. i am from the midwest and make the same i made there, but made a decent living here i get by. plus i miss the country accents and mannerism
He won't physically flip it over. That would be silly ( and physically impossible). Mr. Norris would just give the island a dirty look, and it will flip itself over...
Anyone have any winter pics ?