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vernon, nj
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your fish will probably be fine most freshwater fish are very hardy..did you put the water from the pet store in your tank? Did you atleast acclimate the fish? It's not necessary to cycle a fw tank but it is recommended. I never used to cycle mine because I did not know otherwise and my fish lived.

Yes i did put the pet store water in my tank but, how do you acclimate? And why?


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Ummmm I'm setting up a 1- 1/2 g little mermaid tank for my 3 year old daughter. Not planning on letting it cycle. Don't think I'll even ever test the nitrate level or any other water parameter ever. Not using a heater. I did fill it with ro/di water. She said she wants a blue fish. Anyone want to flame me?

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Staten Island
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Ummmm I'm setting up a 1- 1/2 g little mermaid tank for my 3 year old daughter. Not planning on letting it cycle. Don't think I'll even ever test the nitrate level or any other water parameter ever. Not using a heater. I did fill it with ro/di water. She said she wants a blue fish. Anyone want to flame me?

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ok the girl is asking for help and you go make a stupid comment..smh


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Staten Island
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nikki..acclimation is when you float the bag in the tank to let the temp/quality of the water in the bag baically "sync" with the water in the tank.

I will break it down in simple steps..ok you go to the store buy fish they are in a plastic bag..try not to bounce them around too much because they will get stressed,go home asap.
1) place the bag in the tank let it float for about 15-20 mins
2) open bag and drip a little tank water into it
3) seal bag back up let it float another 15 mins
4) repeat 2&3
6) Remove fish and release into tank
7) add stress coat and aquarium salt
8) enjoy


MR's Greatest Member
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Cyclying a FW tank is not really that neccesary as a SW. As long as the tank is not heavily stocked to start they should be fine. If you have neon tetras or cardinal tetras they will probably not make it. They are just harder fish to keep period.
vernon, nj
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nikki..acclimation is when you float the bag in the tank to let the temp/quality of the water in the bag baically "sync" with the water in the tank.

I will break it down in simple steps..ok you go to the store buy fish they are in a plastic bag..try not to bounce them around too much because they will get stressed,go home asap.
1) place the bag in the tank let it float for about 15-20 mins
2) open bag and drip a little tank water into it
3) seal bag back up let it float another 15 mins
4) repeat 2&3
6) Remove fish and release into tank
7) add stress coat and aquarium salt
8) enjoy

Thanks! Now when i get fish i'll know what to do, and now i feel like i can't trust the pet shop.
vernon, nj
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Cyclying a FW tank is not really that neccesary as a SW. As long as the tank is not heavily stocked to start they should be fine. If you have neon tetras or cardinal tetras they will probably not make it. They are just harder fish to keep period.

I have a bala shark, columbian shark, and checker fish (3). i feel like they would be easy to take care of.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Hello Nikki!:)
I now only have saltwater tanks, but I kept fresh water for well over 35 years until just 3 years ago when I shut down my last fresh water tank.;)
All I ever did was: I filled the tank with tap water, added some sort of water conditioner, biozyme( a living system of beneficial bacteria in concentrated form, which is activated upon introduction to water for the conversion of ammonia to nitrite and then to less harmful nitrate) to it, added the heater, hang on filter with sponge/floss & carbon. Waited 24 hours, and then added a fish or two. Waited a week, and added another 2 or 3.;)

As for acclimating the fish I only floated the bag/bags for 15 to 20 minutes to acclimate the fish to the temperature in the tank.

LFS are definitely in it for the money (what business isn't?), but there are a few that are good.;) You ask why wouldn't they tell you about cycling & acclimating. The answer could be that they did not realize that you are that new to aquatics.;) They may have thought that you had already read up on the subject, and had the basics down. Also, I'm sure that if you asked them they would have walked you through it.;) And then there are those that just don't care how many fish you kill.;( That just means you'll be back for more.:(
If and when you need advice from your lfs make sure to find the right employee that knows what they are talking about.
Honestly, you should get yourself some good books on "Keeping Aquariums", as well as one for "Fish Disease".

Hope that helps you out!:HUG:


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im sorry nikki but i find this really hard to believe......

I don't. Not one bit. There have been many examples of this in the past and will be in the future. Not all fish stores are like this but there are quite a few that are only interested in a sale.


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Northern Jersey
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no, its not really that, but its more of the fact that i know you (cheif) know my entire story on everything on my mothers shop, but she is trying about my mothers store. and i just spoke to my mother 5 minutes ago after reading this and i think you should tell the truth nikki. my mother FIRST THING said to you was do you have bacteria in your tank and has it been cycleing. you said yes yes its been running for 48 hours or whatever and everything is fine. she said you WANTED those fish, she tried asking you question and you kinda blew it off. you just demanded them pretty much. you said your tank was cycling for 48 hours, so you claimed you knew your tank was cycling, yet you ask what cycle is. dont start something like this because my mother is one of the most honest people and is NOT in it for the money. she will NEVER sell a fish without asking questions first. she has been working there for 16 years and bought it 6 years ago. she is not one of those people who just sell stuff for money. you kidding me? my mother wont even sell dogs to people she feels is not a happy family or ready for one. dogs are 500+ dollars and if she wanted to make some money she would just sell them. i dont care if its a little anole lizard, she will ask questions about your set up and everything. so dont say she did not help you. thats not how she runs tht place. from everyone in vernon, sussex, hamburg, franklin, warwick, where ever it is every person that is a customer of my mothers store knows and will tell you she is the most caring animal lover out there. so with that said...this is why i find this whole story hard to believe....


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Northern Jersey
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so nikki my mother said she would LOVE to talk to you again so why dont you give her a call and tell her what your claiming. ORRRR you can reexplain your story. i mean...if you really want i can find out what date that was check out the video tapes from our store and see if i can find you coming into her store and speaking with her. this is a very honest and respectfull community forum. everyone on here gives nothing but respect, and if you are not going to tell the entire store then shame on you. so until then please reframe from spreading rumors about her store without you yourself leaving parts out of your conversation.....because video does not lie. i can findout the truth.

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