• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?


Mainland Aquatics
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82   0   0
ok so as most of you know im a firefighter/EMT, unfortunatly doing the best job in the word doesnt pay the bills by any means!
for the last 12 years ive been a mechanic at mutiple dealers and have owned my own company for abt 5 yrs now..the one thing that is detrimental to owning a small business in the economy we are all struggling in today is to have a very large roladex.. i have been a part of many different networking groups; BNI, Chamber of Commerce(muti locations) Give me service, and others..

So with that being said, i know there are other business ownere that are on here and love this site, and what an awesome resource it is for knoledge and for help in the reefing community.. well i also look at it as a free roladex for all of us to get to know each other and to see what other types of blue collar, white collar folks we got whe and how can we help each other in business as well as reefing bc if business is good our tanks look good!

What i would like this thread to be is a resource for members to see what each other do and if we need something that another member offers it works out for both members.. im not saying that anyone deserves a discount or should give a discount thats totally up to the participating members.

so my next post will be an example of what we should so so members can easily look through this and seel what we can offer..

THANKS GUYS & GALS...lets see how this works


Rating - 100%
94   0   0
I am a professional baby sitter. It is my career and also carry's over into almost everything I do in my off time.


westbury ny
Rating - 100%
79   0   0
Executive Chef. Port Washington Yacht Club



Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
Rating - 90%
27   3   0
Hay guys im a mechanic .I did own my own shop for 4 year the first 3 years was great but then the economy went down hill from there and the 4th year was very bad had to close the shop and work for some one now . But at least there is a check every week guaranteed.


Advanced Reefer
Hamilton, NJ
Rating - 100%
14   0   0
Hey. I'm a paramedic serving the residents or Mercer County NJ. I've been in EMS for about 15 years and would like to transition my way into law enforcement. Since I'm quickly approaching the cut off age I may look into law school or something. In my off time I'm the father of three and getting married to a wonderful and patient woman. Happy reefing.

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Wayne, NJ
Rating - 100%
10   0   0
I own a dump truck company. We work in NY,NJ,PA,Ct,DE. I specialize in contaminated soil removal. I also deliver stone, fill, dirt. I have union an non-union drivers. I would like to get on that 9 yr tunnel job from Manhattan.

Reef Greek

Active Reefer
Long Island
Rating - 0%
0   0   0
Just took over an animal feeds business today.(for real today) We are based in central LI and carry feed for everything from parakeets to elephants (horses, parrots,rabbits chickens, goats ,koi etc).Will have an official Grand opening in a few weeks and anyone who is a MR member will be entitled to a discount.

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