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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I have been looking for months and I am sick of it. Something is always wrong with the place or it turns out to be some scumb@g real estate person who pretends to be the owner the whole time until I say I am interested then they say "ok so there's a $1600 fee RE fee" Then I immediately cut them off and say "excuse me what? I thought you said you were the owner?" to which they reply something like "no no it says I'm an agent in the post and that there's a fee" so that's when I pull out my laptop and say "oh really?..let's take a look" and to their surprise it MAGICALLY disappeared. So they try and defend themselves by saying something stupid like "Well I don't know what happened I ALWAYS put that in the ad" or "my assistant must have forgotten" and it's TOTAL BS! I'm like "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO TRY AND SCAM ME RIGHT NOW,YOU POSTED IT IN THE APTS BY OWNER SECTION @$$HOLEEEEE!"
If you people don't know it is against the law to do that and not disclose a fee. (I used to be in real estate I would know.)

Then there's those other places..the ones that are either way overpriced,too damn small for anything with 8x8 bedrooms,smell terrible,filthy,bad neighborhoods disguised as good neighborhoods (basically saying it is in an area which it is not it's actually in the crappy 1 next to it.) Lastly one that has become something that irritates the hell out of me..the dreaded..pink BATHROOM.

I'm sorry I can't feel like a man dumping/showering in a pink bathroom.

So that was just to give you guys an idea of the hell I have been going through.

I want to deal direct with an owner CASH deal, I need a large 2BR or 3BR preferably a house/townhouse but a nice apartment in a 2 family w/ a garage or basement would work too. Queens area preferably Flushing,Whitestone,Bayside or Fresh Meadows. Some parts of Staten Island would be ok too as long as it is in a good neighborhood on the North Shore.

Let me know people I am looking to move ASAP!
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Misrepresentation is a major offense if you can prove it, they can get their license revoked. Also, disclosure is the other biggy. Both are basically the cardinal sins in real estate. If they in fact own it they have to tell you and can't act as the agent.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Misrepresentation is a major offense if you can prove it, they can get their license revoked. Also, disclosure is the other biggy. Both are basically the cardinal sins in real estate. If they in fact own it they have to tell you and can't act as the agent.

oh trust me dude I know ..like I said I was an agent..my license is still valid might do it as a side thing but only commercial maybe houses none of this apartment crap it's not worth the headache.

They don't own the places they just know people don't want to pay a fee so what they do is they post on CL in the "by owner" section and act as the owner and then when you are there they hope you "fall in love" with the place and will pay their commission. As soon as you show interest they spring it on you. Go look on there 1/2 the ads in the by owner section say there's a fee in small print on the bottom about 30% are agents undercover that don't say anything and only 20% are actual owners..it's sad really.


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WOW, I just went through the c-list ads for 20 minutes...and went on a flagging spree. Because what else is there to do at 4:42 in the morning??? That is some foul stuff they are pulling.

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