Jarrett, most dogs shed a ton at this time of the year as well as the fall just before winter.

Got to step up the brushing during these times of the year, as well as the vacumming & dust mopping.

You want rugs?LOL That will only make matters worse. Trust me it is much easier to dust mop, then having to pull out the vaccum. I should know, I have both hardwood floors & rugs along with a house full of fur balls.

5 cats & 3 dogs......
BTW, Costcos' dog food is a higher quality then Natures Choice.. I use to feed my dogs Natures Choice until I compared the Nutrion labels of both foods. Natures Choice $60 - Kirkland $25, my dogs go through a bag bi-weekly.
Best food for all animals would be the "Raw Diet", but unfortunately I cannot afford $2,000 per month....
For the fish oil you can try "Salmon Fish Oil", it is pretty good. Comes in a pump bottle, and you can get it any pet store, and definitely at Pet Food Catering shops.