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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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really...wow. i remember playing that games forever ago. ill be interested to hear it comes out and watch a preview or two. the game was fun and addicting. i use to just build giant space cities everywhere and mess with it all day making the largest army possible. haha good times


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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yeah i just did. im hoping they are going to keep it the same. im not a big fan of the new world of warcraft styles. i loved starcraft and like the first warcraft. alot of fun.


LE Coral Killer
Flushing, NY
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Reserve StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and receive an invitation to the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty beta. Available online and in-store while supplies last. Once you receive your Beta Code your order cannot be canceled.

Online Customers (web delivery): A code and instructions on how to join the beta will be emailed within 1 business day of when your order was placed.

In-Store Pickup Customers: Please wait 24 hours after your order is placed, then proceed to your store to pick up your beta code.

Store Customers: A beta code will be printed on your pre-order receipt.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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Ah.. I can't wait till SC2 comes out! Its been way too long. SC and D2 are my 2 most favorite games.

Gotta go pre-order in a few days and get my self a beta key.

Ugh... I really hope Diablo 3 comes out this year.. but prob. already next year.

Once SC2 comes out we should get some matches going on here.. :P


Senior Member
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are the beta codes even working? or is there still no ETA on the beta?

I preorder from gamestop they gave me a beta invite code to play SC2 on the battle.net. the graphics are pretty nice. You have to download the beta game, and it's only the online mode that's working, the single player is disabled right now.


Senior Member
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Ah.. I can't wait till SC2 comes out! Its been way too long. SC and D2 are my 2 most favorite games.

Gotta go pre-order in a few days and get my self a beta key.

Ugh... I really hope Diablo 3 comes out this year.. but prob. already next year.

Once SC2 comes out we should get some matches going on here.. :P

preorder is cheap...just drop $5 and they will give you a beta code. We can currently ply online to test out their servers. Let me know if you guys p/u the codes we can setup a game.

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