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Galantra going straight to vegetarian is very risky and has a lot of health issues. That is something that should be done gradually.
Well understand that specially with working out you are taking vitamins pills to replenish whats being depleated by the body and being a vegetarian isnt just fruits and vegetables you are able to eat eggs,milk, and fish I wouldn't see any heath issues. With this change it is allowing your body to use up the stored fat allowing to slim down.

I am a pretty built guy and done this change without any worries or change with my routin and I workout 5 days a week


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Staten Island
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Pizza is good for you..have a slice before the gym. I used to train with my boy he is a trainer now he was 5"10 200 solid benching 375 and deadlifting more than double that no juice no supplements just dedication. The man is a brick house. Alot of what you hear is just hype.


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some people can get away with it others can't I personaly know a person who went this route and had to go back to putting meat into their diet. They were starting to pass out and had other issues. I also remember a kid who did this in high school and had problems as well. Working out 3 days a week is plenty with the right diet. And red meat helps if you are into it for muscle gain. I use to have a great build, after all my back problems are taken care of,I know I will be back in shape within 6 months. I was 230 when I got hurt and im about 280 right now.


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trigger some people have genetics on their side. others don't, my buddy that benches 560 has good genes for muscle, his brother starts gaining right away, not to mention his father is about 62 and still has a 6 pack. I see the guy eat ice cream all the time and he never works out.


Mainland Aquatics
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before i got hurt(tore my obliqes off my ribs and broke 2 ribs at the lat line) i was a gym rat! 2 hrs a day 6am for 1 hr and 5pm for abt an hour but sometimes more..low fat high protein diet only whole grains for carbs lots of chicken(white meat) and albacore egg whites and plenty of veggies.. im a short boy 5' 7" lol you've met me at the swap..i was 225lbs at 12%..i was benching 360 for 2 clean.. squatting 455 for a set, never tried maxing.. dead lift was abt 440ish depends on the day... being short helped didnt have far to move the weight..also had big motivation..i WAS single... now married.. i go maybe 3 times a week for 45 min if im lucky.. andman i eat just abt anything thats close by.. maybe one day ill be motivated again to do it.. just not so crazy...those days are def. done!!!


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Staten Island
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exactly relationships and kids are the death of a sexy body and working out before I met the baby mama I was 175 solid @ 6'1 benching around 240 I'm about 50 lbs more then that now and haven't worked out since my son was born except for chasing him around the house or park! lol. The only way it works is if you are both into it and don't let eachother slack. It's all good though I am going to start training again very soon and I will be in a bikini by august LMAO


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Suffolk County
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I'm going to add a few things... :spin:

1. Don't go to xSport Fitness at Roosevelt Field. Very important.
2. The best results I've seen so far: stop drinking 1-2 beers per night :lol2:

(seriously though, beer has some serious calories)..

When I was in high school I was on the swim team and played soccer.. They were a great mix of cardio and weight training. To people who are sick of (or plain don't like) running or 'normal' cardio.. get in the pool. Push yourself. You burn tons of calories and it gets you in great shape.


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new jersy
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look at your calorie intake! you can have 6 small meals a day but just check how many calories your take in daily and don't cheat, you are only cheating yourself


Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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dang, I have far to go on the weights issue.
You guys were benching 200+!!!
I'm not even going to mention what mine is ...

I usually only eat one or two small meals a day and I guess my metabolism goes at 1 k per hour due to that. I'm always running around/busy, up early, in bed late night, and barely eat, yet always stay in the same weight range for some reason.


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on the vegetarian thing - when I was training hard as a vegetarian, I upped my intake of legumes and nuts, not carbs. The carb thing is a huge possible pitfall, but if you keep the carbs "honest," you don't risk any crazy weight gain from carbs. By "honest," I mean close to their natural state - whole-wheat breads that are made locally if you eat bread at all, otherwise, brown rice, steel-cut oatmeal, that kind of thing.

The best thing I've seen and used is a diet that stresses foods that are "one ingredient" foods. No chemicals at all. Fruits, veggies, fish, beans, even meat, but only if it's grass-fed, as well as dishes that are made from one-ingredient foods put together.

Have you ever seen Michael Geary's site the truth about abs? He's got great workouts, a great diet style - and by diet I don't mean the-way-you-eat-for-a-little-while-to-lose-weight. I mean a way of eating for the rest of your life that will go a long way to help maintain the health of your body. I bought his book on line a few years ago, and the workouts are really great and I also get a weekly e-zine about healthy foods and workout ideas.

I think the most important thing regarding diet is to stick to a healthy way of eating all the time. (easier said than done!)


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I was looking at some stuff, and have yet to find one vegetarian or vegan bodybuilder in any heavyweight divisions. Hmm takes real protein to build muscles not just supplements and vitamins. Not to mention the natural andro in red meats. And tunica, you don't start off benching heavy weight it takes some time to get there. I have seen guys reach their potential in 2-3 years and other guys just keep slowly building strength over years. My buddy started lifting at 13 took a break from 22-30 and started again now he is 33 and putting up the 560. Me I never actually wanted to lift that much weight, never saw the reason for it.

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