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long island
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I started thinking of how I am working out and I am going to things a little differently. I started circut training once a week bacially I do 2 sets of low weight 25 to 25 reps and 2 set. Only 2 different work outs for each part of the body. I must say I have firmed up realy fast. I wanted to share this with all of you because I know at some point some one posted tryng to loose weight, and I increased my cardio. :groupflip


Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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Yes, muscle weighs more, but eventually it takes more energy for your body to maintain it, so you burn more calories.
My old trainer wanted me to build more muscle in my legs, and do more leg based cardio work because it was the largest muscle system and so progress there would lead to more significant change over time.

I can't stand regular cardio (running, elliptical) but doing jumps (whole body jump onto a fixed bench about 10inches in height, then jump back down 15x twice in 1 circuit), jump rope, medium weight with 15+ reps per circuit, etc is fun and is considered cardio with weights.

Oh, another one I hate but love at the same time:
Take 10 weight balls (I used 8 and 10lbs) and throw them at one corner of the room (point B)
Then you start at the other end (point A)...and you run to pick up ball at point B and bring each ball over to point A!
It's fun. But I'm task oriented. I have to get all the balls to the right space.
I did that 3x then did "suicides."

I did lose a lot of weight, built strength but then...got stressed and stopped going and started eating more, etc, etc. Now I have a gut.

for shame.
I just did 20 push ups though. So, thanks for posting this!


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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If you eat 6 small meals a day compared to 3 big ones it makes a big difference....keeps your metabolism going, also drink lots and lots of water! Also, reduce salt intake.


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another important consideration - when we exercise, often we "reward" ourselves - often with FOOD! eating lots of small meals that are high in nutrients is the way to go for many of us, and eating as few junkfood stuffs as possible is important. My trainer used to say that if it came in a sealed package, don't even bother with it!


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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My old trainer wanted me to build more muscle in my legs, and do more leg based cardio work because it was the largest muscle system and so progress there would lead to more significant change over time
;) core training is one of the most important factors in exercise, when i boxed i ate 6-9 times a day in small meals, cutting out, salts fats and sugars, cutting down on red meats and eating alot of fish and chicken which are high in protien and doing alot of cardio to drop weight to where i needed to be was my routine, i didnt do much of weights but alot of cardio and resistance training


Advanced Reefer
long island
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very trust about eating 6 small meals, I usually have carbs in the morning to substain me throght out the day. and have little meals here and there. Rick, is right as well core is the best you can do you can be amazed in the gym how many guys will not do core but can bench 300 and when they do core they are out of breath and sweating like a snow cone in july.


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Dieting is the key! I know this might sound stranger but what I would suggest is to become a vegetarian for about two if not three months. It might be hard at start specially looking for certain food but this will help better regulate your eating pattern of healthier foods. Its also gives you a better chance of sliming down body fat.

That mixed with a nice workout routin and you will see the results.

I myself started and decided to stay a vegetatian I started at the end of December weighing 290 and dropped down to 265 in the middle of febuary. Can't really say what the results will be since I always worked out heavy bodybuilding style


MR's Greatest Member
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Wait your trainer wanted your leg muscles to get larger so he added more cardio and running? That doesn't make sense at all. Think basketball and soccer players, they do a lot of running they are lean, while both have defined leg muscles they are not large. Now think of football players and the size of their legs. Less cardio and more havy lifting. You have to target your muscles for what you want. Losing weight and gaining muscle will offset your weight but your BMI( body mass index) will change. The new weight is good and welcomed. And to keep that belly flat and have definition that is a lot of work and dedication. It is almost a full time job.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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ugh I could never go vegetarian..boringgggg I love a good steak or burger and VEAL is the absolute best..no I do not have any remorse for the cute lil baby cows..noone has any problem eating the big ones why should these be any different? Fish is really the best thing for you..oily fish salmon,tuna,tilapia etc. High in protein low in fat. When I was doing kickboxing and capoeira I trained alot just doing that was what kept me in good shape. Time to get back to it yet I have no time. =( anyone training hard like that now?


Advanced Reefer
long island
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trigger man , I am in the gym 5 days a week and I weight 202 and can bench a clean 310. I train alot during the week and watch what I eat from time to time, when i work out I try to think of waht I have eaten throught out the day and work out according to the food I have eaten. If I eat pizza I would out harder to burn more calories.


MR's Greatest Member
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working harder to burn calories? Your work out should only get harder if you want more results. Not going up and down on a daily basis. Before i got hurt i worked out to maintain muscle not to burn calories from pizza lol. I maxed out a 320 when I was working to gain and after maintaing only at 285. I weighed 180 for the first and 230 for the second. Anthony I do have a buddy that put up 560 at a competiton not to long ago.

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