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DA fisherman

For some reason one of my green terrors started looking like he was gulping for air the 3 days later she died :-( my red jewel also did that and he died :-(. Why is that???? all the other fish in the tank are good

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DA fisherman

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They started gulping forc"air" like two days ago then died this morning , no they wasn't fighting the green terror was way bigger then then the jewel fish and was the leader of the tank all the fish would stay away from it lol

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DA fisherman

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They been together for about 2 months ....hmmm I did just add some red rocks Wich the guy at the store said buffers PH ,don't really know what that means?? But my other G.T. And cichlids are okay :-/

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DA fisherman

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BTW I did clean the rocks and had them in water for like a day

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DA fisherman

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I just let them soak for a day and kept changing the water in the bucket every hour my last ph check was 7.4 with the rocks inside the tank

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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Well that should be fine..you added lava rock which is dried up lava and yes it does buffer PH which means it keeps the ph where it is supposed to be for your fish so you do not have to add chemicals. It sounds like they were very stressed for some reason..def could have been fighting maybe and you didn't see. Have you added any other fish recently? Or any medication?


Mainland Aquatics
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what is your water temp? green terrors are a little touch to water temp... and my GT and red jewel used to fight all the time.. 2 very agressive fish!! also something may have spiked when you added the rock... did u use stress coat? thats my best friend with my FW tank

DA fisherman

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FREAK))))))) 1 Green Terror 2 red jewels and 1 African cichlid down :-( I after freaking 9 months everything in there seems to be dieing and I don't want to put them in my other tanks cause I don't want to speed watever it is. :-(
I'm going to see if I can get th water tested il be back

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Nueva York
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Im surprised no one mentioned this yet... but kinda sounds like a textbook case of lack of oxygenation in the tank.

Do you have power filters that prodice water movement that break the water surface like a HOB aquaclear filter or something similar? Are you running any airstones? If not maybe you should. I doubt pH has anything to do with your problem.


Mainland Aquatics
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thats y i originally asked abt the temp/ bc temp and oxygenation are directly related.. never got an answer tho.. but the only change he has made is the addition of the rocks.. and he hasnt lost any fish in 8 mo. the day after he adds the rock he looses 4 or 5 fish... id start with the last think changed....and i have a mix of s. americans and africans.. with a very delicate mix of ph levels.. i keep mine around 7.8/.9 to keep them all happy.. if this rock brough it down signifigantly 7.2 7.1 theyll stress and drop quickly expecially if it happens over night..

DA fisherman

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Sorry for not getting back at yah ,but I found the calprit ! Since everything was coming back normal I desided to do some (CSI) I notice one of my crayfish house had pink dots on it, so I get everybody in the family and ask them if anybody cleaned my tank glass my son jumps up and said me I said with what ? He FREAKING used. Spray 9 wich has freaking bleach in it ! AND fabuloso the red one wich I quess dripped in side my tank .... So now I bought another 10g for medication use :-( I feel so bad !!

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DA fisherman

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The other fish look like they in good shape , BTW thanks for all yah help again .

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DA fisherman

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BTW here's my name on YouTube xDAVMANx so yah can take a look at the tank befor disaster struck :-/

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