Well, first off I wish I would have been on the floor directly in front of the camera in the first clip-she can fall on me anyday!! I like the kid that gets knocked off her feet with the soccer ball lol And I dont know what state or country that manhole scene was in but it was definately the lightest manhole Ive ever seen hehe. The day I see a guy pick one up by himself here in NY is the day I say to myself- that is one man I REFUSE to mess with!(also follow that rule generally with most people that get a tattoo on their neck) A NYC manhole would have crushed the you know what out of his arm. Good vid- The swing was pretty good too.
Hey Mike I always liked the wake up pranks-- thought this one was fake because of him moving in the beginning but I dont know if the best actor in the world could fake this reaction lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lswp-hZGYac
man i couldnt stop laughing.. it was one after the other.. seeing the kid get blasted with the big ball knocked him almost right out of his shoes...haha
Omg that was crazy ...the kid that was hit in the face with the soccer ball it kinda look like a head shot in call of duty his whole body got stiff... lmfao that was a good laugh didnt give me a rest they just kept coming ...