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What a numbnut......He should have known better.....and to top it off he had no protective gear on....He's lucky he didnt kill himself or anyone else....Im sure he wont do that again. Slicks + concrete + no water(pre burnout) and no saftey gear=recipe for disaster.
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It's also a drag bike so you know it's built for traction off the line. I can't imagine what must have gone through his head the second he realized he had gone too far. I know when I started watching I thought "Well, no good can come from this". Where were this guys friends on this one? Nobody raised an eye brow at this idea?


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That was some s$^% ha? If it was indeed stuck with the throttle wide open as he said it was, I can only imagine like you said what was going through his UNPROTECTED head as he saw that purple minivan dead ahead with no way to stop and not enough time to bail!


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when it's done right.

sub 9's is just sick. I don't know how he doesn't fly off that thing when it launches.

Jared you know this is my other pasion..... This was a nice run. I dont know why he needed the wheelie bars...they didnt even touch...also it looks like he didnt shift...interesting I have to check this out. He beat my time....My fastest yet is 8.45 on my mike....which by the way is street legal.....No slicks...

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You pulled an 8.45 on the bike I saw (Mr. giggle bottle)? I don't think the gearing on the electrics works the same way. They described it as a "giant drill" in the first video and I think it just keeps spooling up as it goes.


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It has a progressive nitrouse system as well as a stage three turbo which you didnt see.....lol....I like to be stealth....that is until you see the dump pipes.....:tongue1: That time is on 9lbs of boost, racing fuel and lots of coaching from Ricky Gadson.....lol
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I am almost positive the electric motors have a clutch I am just not sure exactly how it is setup with gearing. I know this is going to kill me now and I'm going to have to hunt down electric motor info or schematics lol.

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