It was great meeting up with everyone! Jonathan, thanks for organizing the grab bag. Sean, thanks for hosting the party. The store was the perfect setting for the party. Happy Holidays!
Wow, my hangover is finally going away...
Thanks a million for the party sean, I had a great time as did my friends. Thanks also to kedd, marrone and beyondnp for the frags, they are all open and looking great.
Sean, If you need a hand to move the big tank into the shop you can count me in
Happy Christmas everyone.
Thanks to everyone fr coming down I had a great time and so did all my friends. I think a good time was had by all. Sorry to anyone who missed out. I still have leftover alcohol. hint hint.....
aaron are you going to carry it on your back or something??????
I must say I had a great time Sean, and all who hepled arrange it, Thanks!
The pictures say it all.
That may be the only time I'll be able to say I bought a coral at 3:20 am!!!
My hangover is almost gone, Mabey I be able to look alcohol again come X-mas :lol:
Damn, Sean, I had no such luxury! I got dragged out shopping in the malls by 9:00 sunday morning, didn't get home till 8:30 that night. Luckily though, I slept in my car in the parking lot for about 3 hours. Some guy banged on my window to see if I was still alive!