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Jersey City
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just fyi for all, if you get a call to switch over to a competitor of con edision offer lower promo rates, dont do it!! yes the rates are slightly lower, but your going to get charged by con ed for use of thier electrical lines. i ended up getting duped my and elctric bill is higher than it was ever before!!


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thanks for the advice Matt.

GQ, that kind of sucks, I was going to switch before this mess happened.
how much do they charge?

also here is what happened to me in kwh since contruction started,

from June through November of 2004 total kwh = 6,101
from June through November of 2005 toral kwh= 11,315

that's a difference of 5214kwh or in cash it's $1042.80 (big curse word goes here)


Weehawken, NJ
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Damn!! This totally sucks bro! What is even worse is that you are in like a catch 22. Coned goes to the meter only and the building is responsible for the rest. but you dont have access to the meters. If and when you do have access to the meter it will more that likely be at a time when there is no construction going on since you are legally not allowed to be on site because it goes against safety regulations stipulated by the contractors insurance company.

Honestly dude - you have enough documentation to show that something is screwed up. Other than trying to deal with bullcrap from the above companies get a lawyer or even better someone qualified to check the wiring to see if there is any cross wiring.


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fry is coming. I'm putting a meter on my breaker box.
I can get him in, they are working pretty late so access is not a problem.


Bronx, New York
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i, like jennie, got hit with extra charges when i was on the level billing plan, enough reason for me to get off it. in your case J it definately seems that there was probably some theft going on by the construction company, and maybe the landlord was in on it.Really sucks, kinda like what herman said, catch 22.even if they let you in to look at your lines and meters, they may not be tapping into your lines anymore. they probably wouldn't let you look at your stuff if they were still tapping into your electric lines.hope you work things out.


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well some good news to report.
yesterday morning a rep from con ed called, a high billing specialist.
he looked at my billing records and agreed that something is wrong.
he placed my account on hold and is sending an inspector out to look at the site.
he also said that although the meter readers could not get into read the meters, that piece of information was missing from the account. so I hope things get resolved and I get some money taken off the bill. thanks for the help guys! Go MR! :D

oh, I still sent a letter to document the whole thing.


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the inspector came out and tested the line.

the basement area was totally changed and brand new and there was nothing wrong with the line when he tested it.

he said he could not do anything about what happened in the past, that was it end of story no recourse with con ed.
now I'm stuck paying a bill twice what it should have been, bastards.

that's what happened.


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sorry to hear that jonathan , but that's the way con ed works they go by what the meter reads, you can try your councilman I did that with water meter reading , and they justified the bill


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Jon - Now that the construction company is done working is your bill back to normal?

I would get together with those other apartments. Have con ed do the same investigation for them. And then call the management company and tell them that you all are going to sue them. The fact that they wouldn't allow you access to the area, con ed agreeing that something seemed wrong and it affecting mulitiple apartments seems convincing.

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