I name everything!!!
2 Trachypyllia - the big pink round one is Oprah (southpark anyone? Jerry!!!) and her friend is Stegman
Emerald Crabs - Brutus and Olive Oyle (named by Jhale by the way)
One of my scarlet hermits was named Greedy because he took a shell that was so big he could hardly move. Unfortunately, Rudolf - the hermit crab with gorgonian growing on his shell like antlers - killed him and took the big shell - ouch!
My lmb is named Jack, Jack Blennie
neon gobie is Vegas
Yellow clown gobie is Mellow Yellow or Blondie
Cerith snails are known as The Sith
Gorgonians known as the Gorgons
3 new convict blennies - known as the Jerks for covering everything with dirt.
Mr. Cleaner Shrimp - self expl.
Hidey Henry the serpent star
Everything else will be named as needed