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inkblue said:
Sean, maYbe yoU can make it like a Midnite MadNess deaL...

lets not mix business with pleasure...

however I'm sure Sean will be happy to sell you the macked out 120 set up.
we can all help carry it to your car, :lol:

ink - the next day with a hangover :knockedou and a mysterious credit slip in his pocket :shocked1: did I buy that? :D


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jhale said:
lets not mix business with pleasure...

however I'm sure Sean will be happy to sell you the macked out 120 set up.
we can all help carry it to your car, :lol:

ink - the next day with a hangover :knockedou and a mysterious credit slip in his pocket :shocked1: did I buy that? :D

yes more than happy

but no I don't want to make it some crazy thing that I'll have to work my ass for I'll have stuff If people want to buy things sure but the point is to get a bunch of reefers together and chat it up over a few drinks.

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