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Rice Planter
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Here is my MR sched so far:

George: getting drinks to taLk about art, design and reef
Herman: grab dinner with wife and get drinks as weLL
Gil: dinner with Gf in the village
Janey: breakFast in wiLLiamsburG
Phil: luNch at midtown
FRY: drinks in greenPoint
Gforce: dim-sum with faMily
Lokman: Heinekens

man, this entertaining'S a loT of worK :) :cool3:

leT me knoW when ya'LL are fRee!!
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Rice Planter
Rating - 98.6%
145   2   0
KriS... mayBe we can get McDonald's someTime... Gil toLD me yoU were getting a burger wheN you were meeting them :lol: PS. I stiLL have yoUR tank... dont woRRY, it'S NOT going anyWhere

ADDENDUM: Suntzu and Gf ...dinner during the weeK :cool3:


Live Sale Pioneer
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inkblue said:
KriS... mayBe we can get McDonald's someTime... Gil toLD me yoU were getting a burger wheN you were meeting them PS. I stiLL have yoUR tank... dont woRRY, it'S NOT going anyWhere

ADDENDUM: Suntzu and Gf ...dinner during the weeK :cool3:

No worries. Mickey D's sounds good. LoL..yea I was making chicken sandwiches.. :lol: :cool:....Take your time on the tank. No rush at all. :D.

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