- Location
- Philippines
Here is my MR sched so far:
George: getting drinks to taLk about art, design and reef
Herman: grab dinner with wife and get drinks as weLL
Gil: dinner with Gf in the village
Janey: breakFast in wiLLiamsburG
Phil: luNch at midtown
FRY: drinks in greenPoint
Gforce: dim-sum with faMily
Lokman: Heinekens
man, this entertaining'S a loT of worK
leT me knoW when ya'LL are fRee!!
George: getting drinks to taLk about art, design and reef
Herman: grab dinner with wife and get drinks as weLL
Gil: dinner with Gf in the village
Janey: breakFast in wiLLiamsburG
Phil: luNch at midtown
FRY: drinks in greenPoint
Gforce: dim-sum with faMily
Lokman: Heinekens
man, this entertaining'S a loT of worK
leT me knoW when ya'LL are fRee!!
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