Here's a late night funny video:
the funny part is both the husband and wife had the same answer."4 years a decade" wow what good
LMAO, that was great. I hope I live 10 decades......however, using their math, I'm already 12.5 decades old :banghead:
dude... you're 125 and you can still see the computer screen??? da hmmm just curious...viagra still work for that age????
it must be the new math....10 decades~40 yrs.:scratchch
not insinuating anything just wonder if it'll make your eyes turn blue....and whether or not it's at 460 nm.....corals would look much better. so....its side effect may be good for us reefers......LMAO, assuming I need viagra means you're insinuating I NEED viagra for something!
hey we all get old....when it's my time, i'll be on line at the phamacy waving my script. hopefully by that time there'll be something better...:smokin:
red dragon? iwaki? eiheim?......i want the model that will give the best bang for the make funny....(mr. miyaki's laugh).