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Advanced Reefer
long island ny
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heres my shop


Advanced Reefer
Kings Park, NY
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I'm an Airways Transportation Safety Specialist with the FAA. I specialize in Standby power, HVAC systems and software automation. Here is a few pics....

2 Trane 250 ton chillers and a 100 ton standby unit


Stanby bus for emergency power. 50Kw breakers


2 Mitsubishi 9800 UPS's


Got batteries?


System control panel for the building.


3 White 5000 cubic inch 8 cylinder diesels. 750 me generators on each one. With our 2 10k gallon tanks we can go off grid for 17 days.


Thanks for looking.....

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Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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heres my shop

everyone see the third car from the right,yep thats mine. been there for months something about the tech assigned to it not showing up to work on time. always showing up to work with salty wet hands. LMAO
sorry buddy had to do it, all in good fun.


Advanced Reefer
long island ny
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lmao lmao:kiss:its on buddy its on
everyone see the third car from the right,yep thats mine. been there for months something about the tech assigned to it not showing up to work on time. always showing up to work with salty wet hands. LMAO
sorry buddy had to do it, all in good fun.


MR's Greatest Member
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How do all you other guys in the locals have time to take pics? When I was working for local 1456 we never had time to screw around and take pics. It was always work,work,work.


MR's Greatest Member
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Never heard of that, I worked non stop until I retired but even then I was working 6 days a week 10 hours a day most of the year and never had that kind of time. I worked for Picone for almost all 10 years I was working and for Hayward Baker for a few years and never had that kind of time.


reef guy in jc
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Hey guys. I inventory narcotics in hospital and retail pharmacies. so if I ever try to snap even 1 picture, the DEA will be after my assssss!! Hahahahaa!! :). Buttttt, my other job is a 24/7 coral reef addict!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs

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