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Melville, NY
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OHHHHH just realized this was the same one....

Jet I have some friends and relatives who are suffolk cops. Let me ask them if they know any good ones. Also, like Chief and I said before, if the cop was NOT a highway AIS cop (and it probably was not since I've heard Suffolk disbanded their highway unit) then any ticket written based on what your wife told the cop is NOT going to hold up in court. NYS law basically says that a cop must witness any violation in order to take action, a simple admission is not enough to go by. He didnt witness the uturn, he cant write the summons. Im honestly not sure I would waste my cash. But if you really want to know I will find out. I have to tell you though, I used to be a SUNY Cop and whenever we wrote summonses we had to go to Suffolk court in Hauppauge, and out of all the hundreds of tickets I testified against and all the lawyers I faced, I lost less than 10 times. (yes chief, much better then NYC LOL). But like I said, I dont think its going to hold up in court, lawyer or otherwise.
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Thanks Chief and Mikey. It was issued in Brookhaven, SCPD, and I know the court in Happague - been there to reschedule a ticket hearing ( I already moved here and started school but the hearing was in Brooklyn - speaking of which, despite all the signs forbidding it you cannot walk in that DMV without getting accosted by a dozen lawyers ). The problem with fighting it personally is that my wife doesnt have much free time ( she's a nurse ) and I have classes so its a crapshoot with scheduling the hearing. If its really a no-brain dismissal, I'll try to go at it myself. What do you suggest?


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Melville, NY
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LOL yes a Stonybrook cop turned NYC. And no, you cant go for her. It has to be her or a lawyer. And I really think it is a no brain dismissal... basically she says "officer did you ever see me make said turn" he'll say no and she can deny ever saying that to the cop. Hell, tell her to quote NYS law that a police officer MUST witness a violation of any NYS law in order to take action, which the cop did not, hence the ticket was written under false pretense.

And now on another note if you tell me I pulled you over at stonybrook and wrote you a ticket 10 years ago I am going to totally hunt you down and kick your ass. And then I will take you to the bar and we can get some beers and laugh about it. :D


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Thanks for the tip. How'd you like SB? I did the reverse trip. Its been a nice change ( I live in Old SB so its a real change ). Do you happen to know what code that legal tidbit officially is? From my experience ( mostly fighting employee parking violations ) if you dont have the title, code, chapter and verse of the law they don't take it as serious. I'm also not sure how to verify if the officer was an AIS since you said that would change things.

Dont worry, I've only been here a year and a half ( medical school ) so we can go get that beer and do some fishing next time you're out here.


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Melville, NY
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Its not really a code per se, it falls under the laws of arrest which tells what police officers can and can not arrest for. A summons is technically in lieu of an arrest. Any violation in NYS (and that is what 90% of traffic laws are, just violations and not misdemeanors or felonies) can not be acted upon by a police officer unless he personally observed it. There are certain exceptions (like the AIS thing) but an illegal uturn is really not one of them. AIS really only gets involved in serious injuries and then usually will only issue summonses based on certain physical factors that may have caused the accident like faulty brakes or crap like that. Not to say that they cant for a uturn, but I dont think suffolk cops are AIS quialified unless they are in highway. Im going to assume it is someplace in the criminal procedure laws of NYS, but Im not 100%. I'll try to look it up when I go to work. Maybe Chief can be more helpful with that one.

Oh and I love beer and fishing!


One to Ignore
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And now on another note if you tell me I pulled you over at stonybrook and wrote you a ticket 10 years ago I am going to totally hunt you down and kick your ass. And then I will take you to the bar and we can get some beers and laugh about it. :D

Now I was a student at Stony Brook ten years ago, but out of the half a dozen tickets I got during my time there.... I think all of them were written by my dads cousin in-law.

I used to work at the Sport's Complex and would let a whole group of officers into the pool after hours when I was closing up. They wouldn't ticket me...but my dad's cousin....:irked:

Bob 1000

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Staten Island
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I got a question for you guys... Sorry to jack the thread... I went on vacation came back and the same place I parked my car for the last 4 years now has a no parking sign.. I came home to a ticket parking ticket $125... Do you guys think I will have to pay it???


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Parking violations are a whole new ball game. First thing I'd do is get proof from the DOT ( get their address from their website and send a certified letter, keep the receipt ) requesting verification of when the sign went up. Then send that, with a letter of explanation and copies of your flight ticket ( or other proof if you didnt fly ) to the Parking Violations bureau address on your ticket with a not guilty plea. It might be enough to get it dismissed w/o having to waste a day ( not to mention risk another ticket since DMV's are notorious for having little parking in the area though Brooklyn's has a pay lot ). If it doesnt work, appeal in person. Traffic tickets are hard to fight especially now that most are issued with those handheld devices that scan your VIN and reduces error rates in tickets.

Matt - maybe the cousin was doing it for your own good to prevent an accident?!


One to Ignore
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Matt - maybe the cousin was doing it for your own good to prevent an accident?!

Nope. They where all parking tickets, and he knew it was my car. Best part was I had permission to park where I was and they where all "taken care of" by the athletic department.

The one time he pulled me over (the only time I was ever pulled over) for not coming to a complete stop when making a right hand turn, he let me go with a "warning". I think he was to embarassed to give me a ticket to my face.


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Bob pay it, there is no point in fighting a parking ticket been there done that lost miserably. Now all I do when I see that ticket on my windshield I write a check and mail it in.


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Park Ridge, NJ
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Hmmm, I always fight my parking tickets. Especially now whenever you submit a plea on the internet they'll always offer you a reduced fine if you pay. So it really is worth it now to fight tickets. I'm 3 wins out of 4 tickets for this year alone.


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Hmmm, I always fight my parking tickets. Especially now whenever you submit a plea on the internet they'll always offer you a reduced fine if you pay. So it really is worth it now to fight tickets. I'm 3 wins out of 4 tickets for this year alone.

Dude next time I get one I am calling you for help LOL

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