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Im BaAaAcK
Bedford Hills
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So I work in a school and the upstairs portion of the classrooms are ridiculously hot and to make it worse the air is very thick ... With all but a rotating fan going and windows open most were forced to have classes in the basement and cut the day short, ....

As I got in my car it read 102 (give or take a degree or two for sitting for 3hrs) but still its bad out ... and to make things worse even though there has been reports of some major blackouts around the area, the big storm that will break this sucker is on its way ... so get ready, usually these storms are intense but fast movers with dangerous lighting and very heavy rain ... :eek:rangehat


Old School Reefer
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I'm afraid 100 degree temps are in our summer's future.It will only get worse,Thanks George Bush and his administration for not signing the Kyoto treaty and the others before him.China is our worst offender for pollution and I'm sure we're second.


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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I'm afraid 100 degree temps are in our summer's future.It will only get worse,Thanks George Bush and his administration for not signing the Kyoto treaty and the others before him.China is our worst offender for pollution and I'm sure we're second.

technically, per capita tonnage, total tonnage, or any other way you measure it the US is still a worse offender than China.

US #5 Per Capita: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/env_co2_emi_percap-environment-co2-emissions-per-capita (China #80)
US #1 Total: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/env_co2_emi-environment-co2-emissions (China #2)
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Oh come on, When I was in school they made us go to school in snow storms and in heat waves. This is just another thing to teach our kids how to be cry babies. Kids today need to learn respect and to be tough not cry when it is too hot out. In that heat wave I was outside for most of it with the fire dept of with work in full turnout gear or in my work clothing and thought nothing about it because I had to work. Now they let people go home from work if it's too hot? Give me a break, I can remember stocking shelves in a black out in the beer distributor I used to work at and ringing people up with a battery powered calculator. My daughter came home early and I was absolutely disgusted with the reasoning. I love spending time with my kids but c'mon can we be a little more realistic here? It's just a little heat wave.


Im BaAaAcK
Bedford Hills
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Chief, didn't you know heat stroke/exhaustion is the new thing :splitspin....

My parents used to tell me all the time how back in there days none of this depression this, my stomach hurts that, its to hot out for this stuff didn't exist and your right now a days its getting easy to have an excuse for everything ...:irked:

But on the flip side with small children especially one's with asthma its hard to breathe in such humid conditions and when 21 or so of those kids go home the day prior due to heat related sickness it makes things even easier during the "heat wave" to call the day early :shhh:

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