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I agree with calling the authorities. I dont know the current status of black bears in NY but if they are protected in any way, poisoning them would probably be illegal. Its hard to argue that you did it out of self defence like you could if you shot it on you property. Firecrackers would probably work better than a BB gun as they have thick fur and could withstand real bullets let along bb's. Firecrackers would scare it like a gunshot but the authorities are the best way to go to make sure it doesnt come back at all.


Experienced Reefer
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Black bears arent protected in new york state. There is a hunting season. If you call they state DEC they will trap the bear and transport. They drop off most of the states nuisance bears out by me. Little town called Bolivar in Allegany county... way upstate. It is a boar you can tell by the size of the head and location of the ears. More on the sides than top. He wont attack you unless you threaten it IE corner it. Try the BB gun or paintball thing first. then call the DEC


Fairfield NJ
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The one big problem that you mentioned is he saw you and stuck around. This is a sign that the bear no longer fears humans which is bad. Very Bad. Black bear attacks on children usually start of in the same way. Black bear rolls in to town. Sees a child and attacks it. Had he run when he saw you you would be in the clear. The bear will get worse. He either has to be transported out of the area or put down. I would go with Put down becuase if he comes in contact with humans his natural fear of us is gone.


Old School Reefer
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I live very close to Steven. I've got pix and videos various black bears on my driveway. I actually came close to bumping into one a few years ago. He was on my driveway in the middle of the day, behind my car. When I got to my car door there he was, about 10 feet away. I backed away and took some pix. He didn't run from the sight of me.

My kids (when they were younger) called me at work one day. Actually it was my 13 y/o son who called. He said the bear was on the driveway. I told him not to leave the house. My daughter 11 y/o was scheduled to get home 45 minutes later on the school bus. I called the cops. Small town is nice :) They came to the house and turned on their sirens, honked the horn, etc. The bear wasn't leaving. They waited for my daughter and escorted her into the house. The bear eventually left on its own accord.

Bottom line is, the authorities up here are so used to bear sightings that they don't send the DEC at the first sighting of a bear. It really isn't a big deal, to them, around here.

I keep my garbage in the garage all year until the night before pickup. Then I bring it to the curb.

My biggest fear is when I grill. It's very important in our area to burn the grill after cooking to get rid of the fats and smell......especially when we grill salmon.



Old School Reefer
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Aren't we supposed to be animal lovers here?Kill it if it threatens your life but just don't kill it.Discourage it by putting something rancid and smelly in your garbage and it won't come back.In a ever shrinking world,we must respect these creatures even though their food source is shrinking and so is the space for them to live on.They were here first.Yeah,I'm a tree hugger so what.


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Call the fish and game commission and get that thing trapped and removed before it ends up inside where it is a problem for you.


Senior Member
Florida, NY
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Bottom line is, the authorities up here are so used to bear sightings that they don't send the DEC at the first sighting of a bear. It really isn't a big deal, to them, around here.


I agree with Russ, bears and deer in Orange County are like rats in The City. Everyone knows they are there and ignores them till they end up in your garbage can.

I'm glad bears can't climb ladders, cause this one could have ended up peeping in your bedroom window.

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