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Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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Thanks for the psp Chris.....here is a list of the games in the library as of now.

Socom - Don
Socom - Nikki
Wipeout Pure - Don
Madden 06 - Nikki
BattleZone - Don
MLB 06 The Show - Nikki
Major League Baseball 2k6 - Nikki
VirtuaTennis - Nikki
NBA07 - Nikki
FIFA07Soccer - Nikki
GTA Liberty City - Nikki

SinCity - Don
Saw - Nikki
Mr.&Mrs.Smith - Nikki
Last edited:


Rice Planter
Rating - 98.6%
145   2   0
:D PSp game reviews...




Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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So it looks like this could be the start of a great game swapping thread. That way we can all play the games and not have to spend too much.....I guess if you want in, list the games you have and then if someone wants to borrow they can ask you and then just list here to who you lent it. It may be beneficial to game swap that way you have a game to ensure you get your game back or have a game of the person who you lent your game to. I am sure we can work out the logistics.


Fairfield NJ
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Find away to downgrade your psp then you can play the games off of a memory card like i do. Got my psp downgraded in asia. And they loaded 12 games on my 8 gig memory stick with room for more.

IF you have your psp downgraded already i can copy my games off my memory stick for you.


Fairfield NJ
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:eek: gotta bRIng my pSp to maniLa !

Yep thats where i got it done. Now i just download my games via torrents its awsome. There are places in NYC where they downgrade also. Just have to find them. Also online there are tutorials on how to do it. Its pretty cool my battery last a lot longer since its loading via memory stick and not spinning the UMD.

Here is a website that I found that does the downgrade


I never used them so I cant vouch for them but check it out.

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