I was talking about the more commonly imported cars as it applied to this threads conversation. Anyone could google each company.
The best deals are usually in november and apply to the previous years inventory. Unless there is a major redesign and you are waiting for that particular build, it's worth it to go in November. The previous models are discounted and they are looking to dump them to make room for the current model year.
I kind of disagree with buying previous model strategy unless you are getting really big discount. Let's say, if you waited til November and bought 2008 model, within couple of month later, your car is already a year old. I understand that you are not planning to sell your car but something happen and if you have to sell it, it's year older.
I would wait til, dealership gets the next year model, 2009. And get 2009 close to invoice price. It's awsome feeling that even if you owned the car for couple of months and it's still not even 2009 yet, hehe.