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Ridgefield, NJ
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I was talking about the more commonly imported cars as it applied to this threads conversation. Anyone could google each company.

The best deals are usually in november and apply to the previous years inventory. Unless there is a major redesign and you are waiting for that particular build, it's worth it to go in November. The previous models are discounted and they are looking to dump them to make room for the current model year.

I kind of disagree with buying previous model strategy unless you are getting really big discount. Let's say, if you waited til November and bought 2008 model, within couple of month later, your car is already a year old. I understand that you are not planning to sell your car but something happen and if you have to sell it, it's year older.

I would wait til, dealership gets the next year model, 2009. And get 2009 close to invoice price. It's awsome feeling that even if you owned the car for couple of months and it's still not even 2009 yet, hehe.


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I recommend getting a car through Costco. I have purchased my last two cars this way. They tell you which local dealer is a costco participating dealer, you contact them and pay only $500 above dealer cost. You can also do the financing thru costco (I took advantage of the manufacturers 0% financing).


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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sorry i did type it wrong, was writing a estimate on a maxima at the time, your best buy is going to be on a 08 vehicle, it's last year's model and will offer best price on purchase and alot of dealer's are offering better incintive's on the 08's, they need to get rid of them to make room for the 09's. one of the thing's i do suggest you do is if it isn't a 09 do a research on factory recall's as well as bulletin's, i d believe you can find that info on kelly blue book page's, also look into what yearly repair cost are, not saying you can't afford repair's but alot of people buy a car and can't afford to fix it, this is for 3 yr's down the road, as i said before if you would like i can have one of our finance guy';s call you and give you some of the scoop on do's and don't, he will be honest with you about it, i am not looking to sell you anything just give advise and a opinion, and this coming from someone who has owned 65 car's been working on them since i was 8 yr's old, currently a manager appraiser at a dealershp and have worked in about every aspect of car's, from complete custom to repair mechanically and body.


Chairman of the board
Forest Hills
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i've bought 2 new cars the past 4 yrs n i've learn:
1.)know what the market value is:
this depends which year/model/dealer/time u r getting it. this can b done thru internet/email/phone to save some leg work.
2.)once u know this price u have something to shoot for. i would not pay a $ over this price. u dont know whats their lowest price until they see ur back almost out their door. even if they agree, have everything in writing.
3.)if u not gonna pay in full, find out whats the lowest interest rate u can get. don't get pressure into any other financing unless its the lowest rate.

take your time buying, if u wanna get a good deal on a new car, find out when the newer year model showing up in their showroom.


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Savager: I never really thought about getting a car in late fall and then by Jan it is a "year" older. I will definitely take that into consideration. I remember the feeling of leasing a month old Explorer sport in 2000. It felt good driving in a vehicle that was not seen all around.

Boozeman: Wow, I didnt know you could buy a car through Costco. Is there a limit to the makes and models available? How good of a deal did you get?

NYreefnoob: Thanks for the advice. I understand what you mean about getting a better deal on an 08. The part about being able to afford repairs is a good point. Ive never owned an import but have heard that everything from oil changes to routine tune ups are expensive. Im not in the market for a Beemer but I just saw one of their new ads that say they cover all maintence on the new vehicles for the first 3 years. I wich Lexus had something like that.

Reefman: Its true what you say about them seeing you walk out. That is how I have been able to get the best prices on the cars I have leased.

Thanks everyone. You guys definitely gave me several points to consider. I feel that I have a better sense of what I need to do when I get ready to purchase the car.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Not to make you car buying decision tougher but you should definitely take into consideration the service department of the dealership your buying from.

You don't want to have to drive out of your way everytime you need an oil change. Also you want to make sure the service department has loaners availabile to you even for the times you only go in for the oil change.



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Not to make you car buying decision tougher but you should definitely take into consideration the service department of the dealership your buying from.

You don't want to have to drive out of your way everytime you need an oil change. Also you want to make sure the service department has loaners availabile to you even for the times you only go in for the oil change.


I learned that one the hard way. I have two cars of the same make but from different dealers. One has loaners, overnight drop off and shuttle services and the other doesnt. They will rent you a car but not loan one. I assumed they were all the same but that is not the case.

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