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House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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$400 buys you crap - fyi - they sell you the "same bike" at that price point, but in reality, they aren't the same bike. Usually different fame set compositions as well as component configurations - both compromise the ride (IMO) and overall quality over time. remember, these are moving precision parts especially with the new speed variations (27 speed and now 30 speed)

Where did the 10 speed go :)



Experienced Reefer
Middletown NY
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You are not really going to get anything great for 400.00. It also depends on what type of riding you want to do. Just like the reef hobbie, you get what you pay for!


Old School Reefer
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I used to be a bike messenger dispatcher and expensive bikes in the city get stolen more often than cars.My guys had their fixed bikes stolen all the time.I knew one guy who used to steal them.Stick with what you can afford.

probe dms

Advanced Reefer
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Darn it, was hoping my 400 bucks would get something decent. Last moutntain bike i had was like close to 40 lbs. I am thinking of this one. What do you guys think


that bike looks dope. aluminum frame which is mad light. i think youll be just fine with that one. i have a 24" Mosh cruiser. i can seem to leave the bmx alone. im on my bike everyday.

House of Laughter

Super Moderator
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Ossining, NY
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Take a close look at that bike or all of them for that matter - they all suck - however, like the reef hobby, what's the purpose of the bike? to and from work? recreational riding with the lady, light duty off road?

Each has it's price point - if you're going to shoot down shore road with the lady, you should get the one for $299 or get a Giant or Mongoose in Toysrus

As soon as you decide you want to hit the trailhead, you'll need to upgrade

I spend 7 yrs racing and organized a nationally competitive road and MTB TEAM of 35 guys and gals sponsored by TREK, GIRO, DESCENTE and OAKLEY and can speak to anything in the bike industry inside and out.

Let me know what you're looking to do



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