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OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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For real? People are going to protest around the world in support of the Burmese people? What's the point? I think people are upset that they missed the 60s and feel the need to protest everything. Is the Burmese government going to see millions of people protesting worldwide and say "Wow, you know maybe we're wrong. Let's step down and hold elections"

Are the governments of the other nations going to see these protests and say "Wow, our citizens are very upset about this. We should invade Myanmar and bring them democracy!"

Obviously people care and obviously people want to do something to help. Protesting sure as hell isn't helping anyone. The energy and money spent protesting may make people here and around the world feel like they did something, or that they are a part of "change" but it's bullsh1t. That same energy and money could help by a means other than protesting. I don't know what that means is by I know it's not protesting.

Maybe giving to the salvation army. Maybe your dollar doesn't go totally to Burma, maybe part of it goes to darfour. Maybe your dollar goes to getting a soda machine for the salvation army, they should have one if they don't. G-d knows they deserve one.

Going to a protest, to support (shouldn't it be called a support rally?) is just masturbation. It doesn't do anything to help it just makes people feel like they did something even though they didn't. Do something that will really help.


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that's pretty damn cynical.

how about it gets and keeps the story in the news, so that others might do something about it. it also gets politicians to the rallies who are in a good position to help and make things happen.


Rice Planter
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sorry, but you caNt force your heLp on others... cyniCal or not :happysad: you reaLLy have to GO and see what the cuLture is before you can judge these peopLe.

Just like the philippineS did not want a US base in Subic, they lOVE american produCts, but that dont translate to wanting american help

just facts of life and cuLture :)


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this is nothing to do about giving american help

Do you think the people starving and injured gives a damn where the help comes from? The Burmese people are being hampered by an illegal government they did not vote for! The government is refusing aid while doing barley anything to help their own people.

I receive first hand accounts of what is happening there, now and in the past. So yes I feel confident in saying the Burmese people would like some help, from who it really does not matter.

I will say the news footage I saw of food being sent from America looked ridiculous.
There were giant banners covering the palettes with american flags that said something like AID FROM AMERICA. That's not necessary in my opinion. just send the food and don't make a big deal out of where it came from.


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Again, rally's help keep problems like this in the public eye, it makes the news and gets coverage.

If you don't want to go that's your right.

Do me a favor and keep the negative comments off the thread, it was not meant as a discussion whether or not public protest works or not.

Reef Mongoose

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sorry, Your heart is in the right place but I just don't believe that the rally will help. It is not our gov't that is the problem so having a rally in the US isn't going to do much. It is the Military gov't of Myanmar that won't let other nations help out that is the problem and it going to take a lot more than a rally to change the gov't of a nation. I think there are more productive things that can be done to help the people Myanmar. With that said though, good luck at your rally and I hope I am wrong and the rally does help in some way.


OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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Again, rally's help keep problems like this in the public eye, it makes the news and gets coverage.

If you don't want to go that's your right.

Do me a favor and keep the negative comments off the thread, it was not meant as a discussion whether or not public protest works or not.

John you're a 100% right and I really didn't think about it that way. I don't think I've heard two words about Darfour and I'm surprised I even remembered it to put it in my first post. Without something to keep the story going it would disappear and be forgotten.


Advanced Reefer
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listen having the american flag drapped over does matter.people around the globe hate us.showing our support will show them we care.ive had many of my family serve in wars and in all different branches of the armed forces you dont think that showing our colors matters.that in itself is a negative comment.and yes protest do matter to a point but do you think that there government is looking at these protest most likely not.the protests pretty much works where the problem is.


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listen having the american flag drapped over does matter.people around the globe hate us.showing our support will show them we care.ive had many of my family serve in wars and in all different branches of the armed forces you dont think that showing our colors matters.that in itself is a negative comment.and yes protest do matter to a point but do you think that there government is looking at these protest most likely not.the protests pretty much works where the problem is.

This is about getting starving and dying people the aid they need.

Don't take what I said to be negative against the US, that's not what I meant at all.

Of course the protests won't do a thing to change the Burmese governments minds, but how many times do I have to say it keeps the story in the news. And that keeps it in the minds of those who are able to try to do something about it.

from one hour ago
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